Can I make it? CA resident, 3.88 UW, 3.81/4.12/4.52 UC GPAs, 1500 SAT, Electrical Computer Engineering

Honestly, I’m not really sure. I’ve sort of been brought up with the idea of prestige being the most important thing. I’ll definitely look into those schools.

As noted your list is great.

But often times people don’t realize the potential savings to be had. Hundreds of thousands is a lot of coin. There’s a reason schools like Bama And UTD are amongst the leaders in National Merit scholars and Tulsa has 25% of the class. You aren’t - the point being - kids with great stats and assuming you have the 1500 SAT - some schools will buy you.

Also - have you visited any ? Why I ask what you like. ASU is huge it’s in a city like area. Penn State is huge, cold and hard to get to. Like smaller, Pitt is as prestigious a name and in an urban area.

A school like RPI is a prestigious safety/likely. School of Mines is another big name. Likely. Rose Hulman another for small, focused, rural and producing large salaries that would be likely.

But besides you’ve heard about these, what do you know about them?

Also did you look at WUE schools (for price and solidness, not prestige).'s&studentStatus=Freshmen+Only&majors=Computer+Engineering-+General%2CComputer+Engineering-+Other%2CElectrical+and+Computer+Engineering%2CElectrical+and+Electronics+Engineering

University of Wyoming is an admission safety with a 3.00 or higher GPA, according to Admission Requirements | Undergrad Admission | University of Wyoming . Is it affordable to you?

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I don’t think I’d put Cal Poly as a match for CPE or EE unless your freshman grades bring your UC/CSU calculated GPA up. The 25th percentile GPA in the CENG was 4.13 last year and that includes several majors that aren’t very competitive. Apply, but be guarded in your optimism.

He’s already noted he means Washington and not Wyoming, Wisconsin, or other UWs.

I was gonna put Rose Hulman on my list. I’ll look into a few of the WUEs.

I’m still in the middle 50% but definitely on the lower end. Its probably more of a reach for me.

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Great - but again look deeper than - it’s a great name.

I asked you a lot of questions before - about what you seek in a school.

Maybe it’s a place you can get your own room (why my kid chose his).

Maybe you want to be in a city…or you don’t.

Maybe you want snow…or you don’t.

Maybe you want large…or small, etc.

Don’t just want a name you’ve heard of…

Grainger College of Engineering: 22.3%. SourceL. Admit Rates, Undergraduate Admissions, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

And the acceptance rates for OOS applicants is lower than for instate.

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I think its a lot higher for EE. Here

[Source for that] Reddit - Dive into anything

CS also skews the acceptance a rate downwards a lot.

@Mwfan1921 - Do you know the stats for EE admission at UIUC and if this link is legit?

You note it’s a reach in your initial list and I think that’s a fair assessment.

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If the acceptance rate is really 50% I’d say its closer to a target.

You can call it what you want. You’ll know when you do or don’t get in.

My opinion - reach. But people get into reaches and people get rejected to targets. In the end, we are guessing. The label isn’t relevant.

Just curious - where / how will your professor LOR help you? What is your interaction.

Only at few of your schools will it even be looked at.

As I noted earlier, if you like this list, you’ve got great acceptances already to happen!! And you’ve been given other names, prestigious ones which you noted is an issue, to look at.

And I ask again - have you been to any of these? My son had a “huge” reaction to UIUC and a “huge” reaction to Purdue - polar opposite from one another.

I worry you seek names without realizing you have to spend four years, day after day on campus - and if you’re in the wrong environment and are miserable - then what’s the point? Get to campus - see if you’d like these - at least before deciding.

Good luck.

That’s fair. We’ll see how it goes.

The letter of rec will help for that specific college, but I’m not sure how much it will help for other colleges. I’d assume that it would have a little more weight than a high school teacher’s.

I had an research internship with her. I’m currently working on a journal paper with her.

That’s a fair concern, and I’ll definitely spend more time finding a place where I actually want to be. I haven’t applied to many of the high reach schools yet, so I’m still getting that figured out.

Thanks for the tips.

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Best of luck to you.

Regarding UIUC admissions, the numbers you linked above are outdated. This year is only the third admission cycle that UIUC is has used the Common App. The previous two years have seem a very large increase of applications. The overall admit rate for Fall 2023 was 43.7% for all of UIUC and 22.3% for Engineering. The CS and CS+X admit rates were broken out separately from College of Engineering.

They gave the specific acceptance rate for the CS programs. It doesn’t say that acceptance rate for Grainger College of Engineering doesn’t include CS.

I could be wrong, but I can’t imagine that the rates would change that much in the just a year, even with the influx of all these new applicants.

I also don’t think those UIUC numbers are accurate. I would expect CS is not included in the Grainger engineering number, but you can reach out to your AO and ask. I don’t think EE has a 40%+ acceptance rate for OOS students, let alone 50%+ (not to mention this pdf doesn’t show Class of 2027 stats)

That’s fair, the stats could very well be fake.

I would guess that CS would be included in Grainger’s number since after all, Computer Science is part of the college. I would expect them to at least qualify that CS is excluded for the Grainger’s rate, but I’ll try reaching out the AO to confirm.