Can I make it? CA resident, 3.88 UW, 3.81/4.12/4.52 UC GPAs, 1500 SAT, Electrical Computer Engineering

UIUC applications have risen approximately 40% since using the Common App. That’s a pretty significant number.

I think it all goes back to what I said earlier - you have no assurance there.

So know that while applying and ensure you have acceptable safeties, which it appears you do.

True, those stats were for 2022, and we don’t know how much they’ve changed since then. It’ll definitely be more competitive. I’ll have to see when the admissions office gets back to me.

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Will the admit rate make a difference in you applying or not? If you want the school, apply - and see.

The acceptance rate doesn’t really matter.

Here are 2023 rates.

CS is 7.5%. Engineering is 22.3%.

I see someone posted the link above.

The CS department is under Grainger College of Engineering. According to the PDF, the CS applicants skew the acceptance rate for college. In the PDF, the acceptance rate is a lot higher for engineering applicants.

I don’t really know whether the information is legit or whether the 22.3% for the college of engineering includes CS applicants. That’s why I emailed the regional AO.

Obviously I’m going to apply regardless, but I’d rather know what to expect. (Don’t want to get my hopes up too high only to be disappointed)

That they broke it out tells me CS is not included in the #.

You should expect to be rejected as noted earlier - by me anyway. Not that you’re not quality because you are…but it’s a tough get.

That’s why you have safeties.

Your odds are better at Purdue.

That you keep saying the cheaper the better - UIUC wouldn’t be the school for you anyway.

You also need to visit - everyone is different - but I’ve been there twice (20 years apart) and there’s not a more miserable environment I can think of. That’s my opinion - others don’t like that I say that - but funny, without prompt, my son had a similar thought yet loved Purdue.

You might be opposite…you might love it…but that’s why it’s so important to visit.

That said, I don’t think the acceptance rate will make an impact. You should assume it’s a reach - and a great get if you get in. But plan to have sure bets - which you do with ASU/Merced, etc.

Good luck.

True, but its for the college of engineering, not for the engineering major itself. I won’t get too hung up on it. Its unlikely either way. I’ve already applied to ASU as my safety.

If I get in, I’ll definitely visit and consider my options.

Anyways I should probably be more focused on grinding out those essays than worried about my chances. I’ll get back to work.

I’ll definitely need the good luck… Thanks


The OOS kids I know who applied to Grainger last year all got rejected. They had profiles like OP. Obviously, some similar profiles do get admitted, but it wasn’t any of the people I know (they did get admitted to their excellent in-state schools).

At the end of the day knowing previous acceptance rates is irrelevant. You apply and you get in or you don’t. I wouldn’t burn a lot of neurotransmitter on it beyond that.

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That is very true. I won’t spend too much time thinking about it.

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