Can I make it? CA resident, 3.88 UW, 3.81/4.12/4.52 UC GPAs, 1500 SAT, Electrical Computer Engineering

*Permanent resident

  • State/Location of residency: California (Not bay area)
  • Type of high school (current college for transfers): Private School, Less than 100 students (non feeder)
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Male, Asian
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): None

Intended Major(s) Electrical Computer Engineering

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.88 (Grade Dip Junior year: 5 Bs, 7 As)
  • Weighted HS GPA : 4.52
  • UC GPA Capped: 4.12
  • UC GPA UW: 3.81
  • UC GPA Weighted: 4.6
  • Class Rank: N/A (but around top 10%)
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1500

*(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes) 12 APs, 1 DE. Maxed rigor

-Chess Top 100 for age group nationally, 4k+ in prizes, top 99.9 percentile
-T30 Biomedical Engineering Internship. Did research on machine learning applications to lasers. Group leader. Presented posters at Biomedical Engineering Society to Professor and PHDs.
-Web Development Internship at a small company. Leader of 10 interns to develop a mobile app.
-Research paper with T30 Professor on machine learning and biology. Will be submitted to a journal soon.
-Founder of Computer Science Club. 10% of grade, 1k+ in prizes. Several hackathons and competitions. USACO Silver :skull:
-Math Team, Member for 5 Years, Second Highest AMC Score in the school, Competed in several competitions
-Robotics Team made it to states
-Swimming 7 years

Rec Letter from T30 Professor


  • Safety: ASU, Merced, Riverside, Penn State, Cal Poly Pomona
  • Match: UC Davis, Cal Poly SLO, UW
  • Reach: Purdue, UIUC, UCSD, UCI, UCSB, BU
  • High Reach: UMich (OOS), UT Austin (OOS), Georgia Tech (OOS), UC Berkeley, UCLA, Georgetown, USC, CMU, Cornell, Brown, Columbia

Hoping my grade dip won’t mess me up too much and I can get into at least one of my lower reaches.

Purdue and UIUC are not matches for your intended major. I would reclassify both as reaches.

Can you make it - yes - to your safeties.

The UCs are test and letter blind and UW is test blind. UW - is the highest reach on your list btw IMHO

So not a match.

Best of luck.

Do you think I’m reaching too high? I think UW is test optional, but letter blind. The UCs will definitely be tougher for me.

Are your schools affordable?

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Talk to your guidance counselor. They will have a much more accurate assessment than anyone on here.


Cal Poly SLO uses 9-11th grades in their GPA calculation with an 8 semester Honors point cap for eligible courses taken 10-11th grades.

CE/EE admit rates:

Campus Computer Eng Electrical Eng
UC Berkeley 4% EECS 4% EECS
UC Davis Extrapolated <35% Selective major Extrapolated <50%
UC Irvine CE 21%/CSE 7.5% 25%
UCLA 3.9% CE/CSE 3.1% 13.2%
UC Merced 89% 89%
UC Riverside 52% 79%
UC San Diego Extrapolated <15% Extrapolated <25%
UC Santa Barbara 19% 29%
UC Santa Cruz 46% 42.5%
Cal Poly SLO 21% 45%

UCD: Target for EE and High Target/Low Reach for CSE (selective major)
UCI: Low Reach for EE/CE. Reach for CSE
UCM/UCR: Likely/Low Target
UCSD/UCSB: Low Reach
UCSC: Target
SLO: Target for EE. Low Reach for CE
CPP: Likely

Overall admit rates based on the Capped weighted UC GPA and not major specific:

Campus 4.00+ 3.70-3.99 3.30-3.69 3.00-3.29
Berkeley 17% 3% 1% 0%
Davis 58% 20% 5% 2%
Irvine 35% 10% 3% 0%
Los Angeles 13% 2% 1% 0%
Merced 97% 97% 95% 85%
Riverside 95% 83% 42% 17%
San Diego 37% 8% 1% 0%
Santa Barbara 41% 8% 3% 0%
Santa Cruz 69% 45% 16% 4%

Good luck.

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I assume UW is U Wash

If so test blind in most cases. I did err. I thought you put CS. My bad. It’s not the biggest reach on your list. Sorry. Still a reach tho.

“In fact, when reading your application, the reviewers will not see your test scores, if provided. However, high test scores (1400 SAT/31 ACT or above) may be considered for a handful of students who may not otherwise be admitted”

Your safeties are very solid. No shame at all in ASU. Nor the others. They’re likely in many cases to provide similar outcomes to the others.

CS for UW would definitely be a huge reach. It’s lower for Engineering, around 40%, but its probably lower for ECE. Probably a low reach/reach.

Thanks for the stats.

Yea I noted my error. But wanted to point out the SAT won’r help

A reach but not your biggest. Hence my correction.

Any budget issues or desires to hit a certain price ?

With your stats, you could be at good schools for $20k a year with merit - all in, not just tuition. But given your list, I’ll assume no budget issues.

Yeah, budget won’t be a big issue, but obviously the cheaper than better.

I could be wrong here but I believe that UIUC was 50% for Electrical last year.

Well as an example at Alabama you’d be $30,500 off $33K tuition. It’s ABET. It’s solid. And it gets a ton of OOS smart kids because of it.

Seems like you seek a name though. It’s solid but not going to impress at a cocktail party. UAH for smaller. MS State too and others.

It’s like my son. He chose it over Purdue (meche) but still works in a hiring class with Purdue, Michigan, CWRU and more. Less name but ABET schools as well. Interned and lives in summer with Ga Tech kids. He did a second summer. They were not invited back.

Listen, all the schools you list are fantastic. If your family is ok paying then great.

As you didn’t answer @thumper1 on budget (that I saw) just pointing out you have options across the price spectrum. Some $300k less over four years. You’ll have lots of great options either way - even if you only get into the safeties. Good luck.

Meaning your parents can pay up to $90,000 a year for you to attend undergrad school?

Around that amount the worst case.

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Then apply away. As long as you are happy with your sure things, then apply to others and see.

Yeah, I’d like to find a few more safeties I’d be more happy to attend.

Check prices. Cornell already $88k COA. Columbia $90k. B4 inflation so it’ll be $100k in four years.

If you qualify for need aid it will cut that.

Would you choose them over Pomona, Merced or ASU (low 40s most likely). If so apply. If not remove. This is the discussion to have with family - if Merced is $200k less, would you still send me to Columbia or Cornell etc. if so leave them and apply. If not find others that will reward you financially or save the app time and cost.

Penn may be another to look at too for ECE if simply seeking a big name. .

Good luck

What do you seek ? Size. Weather. Geography ? Sports ? Density.

You have enormous and smaller. Urban and rural. Cold and warm. West and east. Expensive and moderate price.

I gave you three financial slam dunks - that may not be if any importance.