<p>So if I were to apply out of state, I know the price is higher but is it possible to pay resident prices my sophomore year? I thinking of NYU or Stony Brook in New York. Thanks!</p>
<p>First…NYU is a private university. You will pay the same (high) cost of attendance regardless of your state of residence…about $60,000 a year cost of attendance.</p>
<p>If you and your family are NOT residents of NY state, you will not gain instate status for tuition purposes your sophomore year of college.</p>
<p>Think of it this way…do you think ALL OOS students get IN state rates their sophomore year? They do NOT.</p>
<p>To gain residency for instate tuition at Stony Brook, your family needs to move to NY at LEAST 12 months prior to your enrollment in college.</p>
<p>No. Your state of residency is your parent’s state of residency. You can easily look this up yourself at stonybrook.edu/bursar/residency. The requirements are the same for all state colleges.</p>
<p>See <a href=“NYS Residency | Student Financial Services”>http://www.stonybrook.edu/bursar/residency/</a></p>
<p>I think NYU is a private school which doesn’t have in-state/out-of-state tuition rate</p>
Wow. The colleges didn’t see that coming. </p>
<p>No. You would still not be a resident.</p>
<p>Jabra, P.S. the cost of NYU approaches $60,000 a year. The school does not guarantee to meet full need for all accepted students. Their need based aid appears to be targeted to high stats applicants with need, who they want to attract to their school. </p>
<p>Make sure you have AFFORDABLE options on your application list. Affordable could be public universities in YOUR state, or schools where you would be guaranteed merit aid.</p>
<p>I don’t think NYU fits that.</p>
<p>With an ACT of 24, acceptance to NYU and Stonybrook would be very iffy. Neither school guarantees to meet full need for all accepted students. </p>
<p>Can I pay resident prices my sophomore year?</p>
<p>You have a good chance if you are attending a public university in 1962.
Otherwise, no.
Private universities do not have in/out of state rates.</p>