Can I take 8 classes total if I'm split site at an independent stuy school and a regular high school

<p>I went to an independent study school in the 10th grade, and I really loved it. The school was not an extension program - it was a completely separate school, with staff, a counselor, and a principal, all holed up in a small building (I think they served approximately 200 students total from K-12 when I last went). When I was there, I took two classes at the big high school in my hometown - 2,000+ students with the full range of AP and Honors courses. The rule that my independent study school had was that as long as you took 4 classes there, you could take between 1-3 at the regular high school split site and still be enrolled at the independent study school. </p>

<p>I'd like to return to my old school this upcoming year when I graduate: I returned to the regular high school for a year to see if it was a good choice this junior year. I don't regret it, because I made some more friends, but I do miss the vibe my independent study school offered. I was originally planning on coming to my regular high school for periods 2, 3, and 4 and then taking 4 other classes at independent studies. This would have allowed me to stick around for lunch if I pleased. I'm a little cautious of my decision to return as it would greatly impact my social life, but I was willing to make that sacrifice for a school that I believe has good principles. </p>

<p>Things got messy a few days ago however when the high school counselor told me I would have to take my high school classes periods 1, 2, and 3, in addition to my independent study classes. This was a huge blow to me, as I'd have to wake up very early (first period starts at 7:45 and I've never had to wake up that early before), and I'd also miss the option of spending lunch in a social environment unless I awkwardly hung around for an hour each day. </p>

<p>I was wondering. Do you think I'd be allowed to take 4 classes at the regular high school, and 4 at my independent study school. I know I could handle it. All my AP's are art classes, and I plan to go heavy on the English classes (3 English classes total) and forgo math and science once and for all. I'm not concerned about college or any of that. I'm only asking if this would be a possibility for me. In theory, I would be able to without messing up anyone's schedules. Absolutely nothing would change for both parties involved. It wouldn't be hard on the independent school (it'd just be a repeat of my sophomore year), and it wouldn't be hard on the high school. Everything would theoretically work. But would a school district allow it?</p>

<p>Thanks for any tips. If I could make this stretch, it would really help fix some of my problems, and I'd finally be able to strike the social balance I want. If this isn't possible at all, I might have to give up the school I really care about. I'm sure students have pulled more strings before, right? </p>

<p>You’re going to have to ask your school district for the answer because it all depends on the school. Every school got their own style and ways on how they do their stuff. </p>

<p>Also, the more you make it harder on yourself, the more you’ll start losing it and start to lose interest no matter how devoted you are to it.</p>