Can I take any kind of test to get into Calculus II?

<p>Hi guys, the problem is, I got a 3 in AB calculus exam and now i can't place out of calculus 1. I felt very, VERY comfortable with that class in high school, and earned an A from a hard teacher (weird, right?), and I was wondering if I could sit for ANY exam just to be placed into Calculus II and skip past Calc I. I really don't want to repeat Calc I, not because I'm too lazy, but I really felt like I understood the material and am pretty shocked about the score.</p>

<p>I'm an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Please help.</p>

<p>I'm looking at you, chuy, lol.</p>

<p>To the best of my knowledge no, you can’t. If you had gotten a 4 or better on the AP exam you’d have had to take a test to get out of Calc I, but since you didn’t I don’t think you’re eligible to take the test.</p>

<p>I am actually pretty sure you can. I remember that the first day of Linear Algebra (the only day you’ll probably see your professor) that someone asked about taking an exemption test so I’d imagine there is one for calculus.</p>

<p>There’s some clever acronym for it, but I can’t remember what it was. Have you asked the department? Also, get to the Calc II homepage and try to find their “basic skills test.” You’re required to take that test at the start of calc 2 anyways and must get the required score to stay in the class. You get a whole bunch of tries but it is probably a good way to tell if you’re actually up to par.</p>

<p>There IS an exemption test, but as far as I know it’s only open to those who scored a 4 or higher. You can’t get out of Calc I without taking it.</p>

<p>From the Math website:</p>

<p>"What is credit-by-examination? Credit, not to exceed 12 semester hours, may be allowed by special examination where exceptional command of a subject can be demonstrated in lieu of formal course work. This privilege is not available to a student who has previously audited or enrolled in the course, or has previously attempted credit by examination in the course. If credit by examination is deemed appropriate, the offering department shall have full responsibility for determining the type of examination to be given and what constitutes a passing grade.</p>

<p>Credit established by examination may not be used to satisfy the in-residence requirements for graduation, and no grades or quality credits will be assigned.</p>

<p>There is a per-credit fee for the examination. The current fee is $10.00 per credit hour and is subject to change at the beginning of an academic year. Only currently enrolled undergraduate students are eligible for special examinations allowing university credit. Official approval must be obtained from the head of the department offering the course.</p>

<p>More information on can be found at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;. "</p>

<p>I contacted Ms. Sandy Blevins of the math department, and she will allow me to take the Math 1205 CBE test regardless of my AP score on Calc AB. I was just wondering, does anyone know how difficult these might be and what percentage approximately pass the credit by exam (CBE) Math 1205 exam? I already have the syllabus for math 1205 and what will be on the placement test, i was just wondering does ANYONE have ANYexperience on these CBE’s?</p>

<p>Calculus is one of those things that you really have to know like the back of your hand. It wouldn’t be a terrible idea to start out in calc 1 and learn it the way Tech wants you to. Coming off the summer you may be a bit rusty and if you start out in calc one, you will be just that more comfortable with it. Not to mention, being thrown into a more advanced class as a freshman could very well kill your GPA real early on. A nice Calc 1 A grade can’t hurt down the road. ----- Just one perspective to consider.</p>

<p>There’s a decent amount of review at the start of Calc 2, and the basic skills test will help out as well. If you can’t make it past the skills tests or any past Calc 1 finals on K00fers, you should consider taking 1.</p>

<p>(replace the above 0s in K00fers with the letter o)</p>

<p>I think very few people take those exams, so I’m not sure you’ll be able to find that info without going to the department. Did they say what it would cover? I’d imagine it’s a final exam and they probably make you get at least a C- on it? I’m interested.</p>

<p>I’m sure you are comfortable in Calculus, but remember you’ve just had it in high school. VT math is HARD – you might consider taking Calc I and getting a good grade and a good review to prepare you for Calc II. My son had AP calculus credit going in as a freshman and almost flunked it at VT. I’m sure he could have studied harder :slight_smile: but still once he hit new material he was overwhelmed very quickly. Just my two cents.</p>

<p>If you feel comfortable with Calculus I and you pass the test I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t take Calculus II. VT math isn’t really that difficult.</p>

<p>I’ve heard Adv. Calc can get pretty nasty :-)</p>

<p>How ‘hard’ a class may be is an extremely subjective topic. There are far too few factors that play into a student’s success and unfortunately more that will play into failure. There are materials available through k00fers and other sources to examine actual documents from most courses. If you’re comfortable with them, chances are you’re in pretty good shape.</p>