I am currently a sophomore taking an intro to java class in my school. I really enjoy java and computer science in general, but I got a C in java last semester. I need to decide my next year’s courses by Friday and I don’t know if I should take AP Computer Science A, as it is only recommended if you got a B or higher in java. Even if my teacher doesn’t recommend me for APCS, if I take an AP Comp Sci course over the summer, is it possible to take AP Comp Sci next year without getting destroyed?
I didn’t take an intro to Java course before AP comp sci and I am doing fine. The collegeboard’s only prereq is Algebra 1. However, your school might have a different way of teaching the class.
Well, part of the question is why did you get a C in Intro to Java? Depending on the answer, I would or wouldn’t considering taking AP Computer Science.
The prereq in our school is concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2. If I take AP comp sci next year, I will be in AP Calculus. Do you think its possible to take AP comp sci if I override my teacher’s recommendation?
@qwuievl Whether you are allowed to take a course despite the lack of a recommendation depends on your school. In my experience, math has had little bearing on my performance in Programming courses.
Are you having trouble with anything in Java?
@Faultystart I am having a little trouble with Java. I was not taking the class seriously first semester and did not understand some simple fundamentals (inheritance and recursion). I ended up learning them by the end of the first semester and getting a 93 on the final. I am slowly improving now. In our school you do review of the Intro to Java content for like the first 2 months. I just don’t know how much work APCS will be, as I don’t want to overload myself. I am taking AP Calc BC, AP Chemistry and American Lit Honors next year as well.