Can I take the AP Chemistry exam if I only took CP chem?

<p>Well I know I can take the AP exam, but is there any books that would prepare me enough to take the AP exam? Has anyone here ever not taken an AP course and taken the exam anyway? Are there books that can teach me all the info that would be taught in an AP class? How hard would this be?</p>

<p>i won't be quick to say that i passed, as it wasn't what you were asking for (though i did pass, albeit with a disappointing 3=[) ah, oh well, i told you anyways ;P</p>

<p>so yeah, i passed the exam having taken a reg chem class the year before (lacking in its curriculum; attended by hoodlums). all i did was study first using the sat2 chem prep book by kaplan (it is meant for the lay chem kids), and refining and expanding upon my knowledge using the the ap-designated prep books by princeton review and kaplan. i also used a website for practice (if you intend to use it and really want it, just say so).</p>

<p>just so you know what to expect from the ap prep books: the one by princeton review gives a terse summation for each of the different topics. it doesn't go into enough detail for one who hasn't been introduced to the material at the ap level yet to study off of it solely (and expect a 5 for that matter). a companion book would be helpful, such as the one by kaplan or barron, though for the latter -- you may ward off upon glimpsing the thickness and font size of this book!</p>

<p>i'm not spectacular, and so a self-studying cc-poster probably has a better chance @ getting a 4 or 5 than me!</p>

<p>so that's all, have fun</p>

<p>i'm guessing cp chem is college prep chem? well i would recommend taking the exam...we did not do a single lab in my ap chemistry class and a few days a week consisted of my friends and I playing a super smash brothers emulator on my teacher's computer....i got a four on the exam!</p>

<p>i studied a lot! should too and you'll probably be fine on the exam</p>