Can I take the Spanish B SL test since I'm taking the Spanish HL class?

<p>My school only offers Spanish HL, but I want to take the Spanish B SL test. Can I take the SL test after one year of the HL course or do I have to take both years of the HL course to take the SL test? In terms of preparation and IB logistics.</p>

<p>How would this fit into your schedule? By which I mean to say, would Spanish HL be your 4th HL class, so you’re dropping down, or are you going under 3?</p>

<p>This is, as many questions that appear on this forum are, a question for your school’s Spanish teacher, your guidance counselor, and other administrators.</p>

<p>@SusieAnne Spanish is my 5th HL right now. I want to have 4 HLs.</p>

<p>I wasn’t aware that more than 4 HLs were allowed. Hm. Well, I’d say that you ought to wait out the full two years, to make sure you have maximum prep time. I know in French, even at the SL level, it took us the full two years to get ready for the exam, and I can’t imagine extra prep would hurt.</p>

<p>You do need to discuss with the teacher/administrators about the internal assessments and external assessments other than the exam, and how those will work.</p>