Can my parents see my Common App if I put their emails in the "Family" section?

What it says in the title. I ask because some of my optional essays cover more personal topics that I wouldn’t necessarily feel comfortable with them seeing. However, one of the schools I’m applying to requires parents’ email.

No, other people can only see your applications if you specifically enable the preview function for them.

Did you ever hear of the book “Mommy Dearest”. You might want to get a copy and read it before you submit these personal topic essays that you don’t want your parents to see.

But as noted…no…they won’t be able to read your common application essays…well…unless they have the passwords.

I think only school counselors can preview (when granted preview access), not parents. Parents need the password.


There is a place to add up to 3 “advisors” who can preview your applications.


Ok, true.

In any case, parents won’t have access unless they’re granted this preview access, or have the password.

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I’m not trying to hide anything egregious. I just mention in one of my essays that I’m gay and I don’t want my parents seeing that. I would rather not get kicked out of the house in my senior year.
But thank you.

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I hope you find a college where you’ll feel free to be your authentic self.


thank you!

Understood. Agree that I hope you find a college where you truly love.


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