<p>I have never seen it as a minor, but I am not sure because it does seem like one of the most intense majors so yeahh... I don't think that it could be a minor. Help me out please!</p>
<p>Also, is neuroscience major a lot harder than a psychology major?</p>
<p>Yes, google neuroscience minor. Looks like a bunch of schools have it.</p>
<p>Is it harder than psychology? It depends on where you go to school.</p>
<p>I’ve taken Biopsychology which is pretty much neuroscience and I think it was one of the toughest classes I had to take. I learned about all the parts of the brain and its functioning and how they contribute to the 5 senses, memory, cognition, addiction, sleep etc. If you do really well in the minor though, you will be competitive next to other psychology majors. I’m pretty sure that UMASS has a minor in neuroscience.</p>