<p>Hello I am going to a CC on the coast and I am hoping to transfer my junior year into the Bioengineering program at USC, and during my year of CC I discovered a real interest in Business. My question was whether it is even possible to double major in both Bioengineering and International Business or are there restrictions due to some ungodly reason; and if there isn't would it be reasonable to do so, or would it be more proper to minor in business rather than take it on as a concurrent major? I apologize if this is a question which its answer can be easily found elsewhere, and I thank you all for your consideration and replies.</p>
<p>You should post this in the engineering forum.</p>
<p>I think USC allows it, but it’ll be very difficult since they don’t have many overlapping courses. I had wanted to do an engineering + business dual major but most people say that you shouldn’t dual major with engineering if you want to avoid being drowned in work. I would say do a bioengineering major and an international business minor if that’s available.</p>
I’m currently a senior at USC majoring in Civil Engineering and came into college thinking I may want to minor in business. While I inevitably decided to take specific classes that interested me in areas besides engineering instead of pursuing a full minor, I have plenty of friends in engineering who have completed a minor or major in another discipline. It’s all about time management. Engineering is a tough major, but if you really want to get a minor or double major in something other than engineering you can definitely do it at SC!</p>
<p>In terms of whether it’s easier to double major or get a minor in business, it would definitely be easier to go for a minor simply because you won’t have to take half as many units. But again, if you want to double major you can. When you enroll, talk with your adviser right away about your plans and she can help you plan your schedule to accomplish the major.</p>
<p>Here’s a link with some information about how to achieve an engineering major with a minor: [USC</a> - Viterbi School of Engineering - Pursuing a Minor](<a href=“http://viterbi.usc.edu/students/undergrad/minors/steps.htm]USC”>http://viterbi.usc.edu/students/undergrad/minors/steps.htm)</p>
<p>If you have any other questions feel free to shoot me an email at <a href=“mailto:viterbi.student@usc.edu”>viterbi.student@usc.edu</a> and if I can’t answer them I’ll point you in the right direction! Good luck with your college decisions!</p>
<p>-Lisa V.</p>