can somebody help me?__ee363 hw#1

<p>Hello, i'm an italian student and i'm looking for the solution of exercise #1 at the link <a href=""&gt;;/a>.
Can somebody help me?</p>

<p>I've already asked to professor S.Boyd that told me:
<< unfortunately, we don't release the solutions for courses, except when they are being given, and for a few weeks after that.>></p>

<p>Apologize me for my bad english.
thanks a lot, Vander.</p>

<p>If you're going to cheat, at least don't be an idiot about it.</p>

<p>Sorry but i don't understand,why do i'd be an idiot?
I can't do this exercise that i take from your website university and so i'm looking for a solution or something similar..</p>

<p>It sounded like you were a Stanford student taking the class now, or in the near future.</p>

<p>ahah..nothing like that.
why? The esercise that your professor give you as homework are the same every years?
It's clear that i'm italian just seeing the time at which i write you.
Everithing i said is true, trust me please.</p>

<p>Depends on the subject matter, but it's not unheard of for HW to change very little, or even not at all, from year to year.</p>

what do i have to do to have a little help?
I don't know how to start..</p>

<p>For starters, why are you doing these problem sets in the first place?</p>

<p>If you're just doing them for your own edification and downloaded them off of Stanford's website, well, you get what you pay for. You can wait until the course is offered and get the answers then, but you may just have to accept the fact that you won't be getting the answers.</p>

<p>If you're doing this through some organization, it would seem logical that they would be able to provide the answers (or their version of the answers).</p>

<p>I'm trying to do this problem with matlab for my personal interesting,if you don't trust me i can't do anything else.
If you want i can write my matlab's code but I THINK THAT IS ORRIBLY WRONG!..:D</p>

<p>hey, i'm currently an undergrad in stanford's ee department. you won't be able to have any access to the problem solutions unless you are a registered student, and have access to the class website.</p>

<p>i'm pretty sure that you can find better examples online with solutions if you want practice with matlab</p>

<p>sorry but where is the problem?
I don't want to practice with matlab but i want to emprove my knowledge about optimal control..nothing else. I can't study in stanford's university because i'm graduated already but i want to study somethin that i haven't study in my "curriculm studiorum".
The access to the class website i thoght is free because no user or psw are required, but i'm not understanding why do i can read a problem or have its solution. I'm looking for discuss with someone adn understand more and more, not to have ONLY solution.</p>

<p>In addition i haven't found other university in italy that hold this kind of problem..</p>

<p>PS: buonanotte a tutti..</p>

<p>What do you want us to tell you. The prof. made it clear what the department's policy is. You may disagree with it, but, in all likelihood, there's nothing you, or I, or anyone else on this forum, are going to be able to do about it.</p>

<p>Look, I was mistaken at first, I understand you're not trying to do anything wrong and you're simply trying to get your hands on this stuff, and a discussion of it to boot, for your own edification. But what I'm tell you is that you're barking up the wrong tree; you could move heaven and earth but you're still not going to get those answer out of the EE department.</p>

<p>If I were you, and I say this in the kindest way possible, I would try and look elsewhere.</p>

<p>agreed. certain departments run their own pages and servers to distribute problem sets and tests -- though this is changing as the university moves to coursework -- but public access to course material is never guaranteed. the professor is under no obligation to provide unenrolled students with anything beyond the syllabus (and even then only to Stanford students).</p>