Can someone please calculate my UC GPA?

<p>10th Grade:
English 10 H: A A
Spanish 2: A A
Geometry Honors: B+ B+
Chemistry Honors: A A
AP Euro History: A A</p>

<p>11th Grade:
AP Eng Lang: A A
Spanish 3: AA
Precal Hnrs: B A
AP Chem: A A
Physics Hnrs: B A
AP USH: A A</p>

<p>I know Chem Hrs, AP Euro, Pre calc hnrs, ap eng, ap chem, apush, physics hnrs are all 5 points</p>


<p>A couple of things: Only up to two AP/Honors courses in 10th grade are awarded the extra point, and only up to four year-long courses total are awarded the extra point in figuring the UC GPA. PE is not an A-G course and is not included in the total. Honors courses ONLY are awarded the extra point if they are designated “HONORS” on your school’s Doorways course listing: <a href=“;jsessionid=AE0ADE59A17C40955FF9A2E2F445163B?_flowExecutionKey=_cE332C414-79ED-0AB5-D301-A8D132696A6B_k98D43EEF-05E3-B9CC-065E-FB4B2D4F9839[/url]”>;jsessionid=AE0ADE59A17C40955FF9A2E2F445163B?_flowExecutionKey=_cE332C414-79ED-0AB5-D301-A8D132696A6B_k98D43EEF-05E3-B9CC-065E-FB4B2D4F9839&lt;/a&gt; Your honors courses do not appear to be courses that would be designated honors on the A-G listing, and in any case you already have the max 8 semesters with your 4 APs, so the honors are not given the extra point in your case. That gives you 92 grade points divided by 22 semesters for a UC GPA of 4.18.</p>

<p>The official details: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Chem Honors and Physics Honors at your HS may count towards the bonus point if approved by UC. But, it doesn’t matter since the UC-gpa for eligibility is capped at 8 bonus points and you earn all of those in your AP courses.</p>

<p>Ignoring PE:</p>

<p>18 A’s = 72 grade points
4 B’s = 12 grade points</p>

<p>Sub-total = 84. Add in 8 max. bonus points for total of 92. Divide by 22 semesters = 4.18.</p>

<p>Do You Guys think this is a good UC GPA for like UCLA, UCSD, and UCB?
Does this mean my fully weighted GPA is a 4.45? and do colleges even take fully weighted into account?

<p>4.15 is the average weighted GPA for berkeley , so that gives you a competitive chance</p>