can someone tell me what the labs (bio & chem) in cornell are like?

<p>-what do you do? (indep experienment? follow the text? follow the profs?)
-r u tested? if so how?
-any homework? (how long are the labs supposed be? graded harshly?)
-do you get a partner?
-how much work is it? (hrs/wk? how often do the labs meet?)
-how big? (intro to bio and chem)</p>

<p>AND THANKS...</p>

<p>Bio labs are supposedly boring as hell.</p>

<p>Chem labs are better, although some are also boring as hell.</p>

<p>Chem lab is part of your overall course, while Bio lab is a separate course. </p>

<p>You are expected to do prelabs and have some sense of what's going on during the lab. </p>

<p>How harshly the labs are graded depends on your TA, but even if s/he is a harsh grader, chances are the professor will normalize the lab grades by making every lab section's average lab score the same (ie... if you average 60% in a lab where everyone's average is 50%, you're better off than if another guy who averages 80% in a lab where everyone averages 90%)</p>

<p>Labs are not bug, I'd say fewer than 20 people (in chem, idk about bio) labs usually meet once a week or less.</p>

<p>You probably will have partner(s)
You are not tested in the lab, but are expected to know the material from the labs on the exams in the lecture class</p>

<p>are you talking about the bio and chem lab class that go along with the intro courses?</p>

<p>or are you talking about being in a research lab?</p>

<p>oooh i just actually read your post so im guessing the classes haha sorry.</p>

<p>-what do you do? Bio: you'll have a lab notebook and there'll be some text explaining the theory and your lab TA will talk for a bit, then you do some hands on stuff. chem: follow an experiment in your lab book.</p>

<p>-r u tested? if so how? bio: yes, quizzes and a final. chem: I forget lol, I don't think so</p>

<p>-any homework? lab reports, prelabs</p>

<p>-do you get a partner? yes for chem.. bio sometimes</p>

<p>-how much work is it? (hrs/wk? how often do the labs meet?) once a week, 3-4 hrs each</p>

<p>-how big? (intro to bio and chem) like 20</p>

<p>hey thanx : )</p>

<p>I rather enjoyed my chemistry labs. They may be a bit more pressured than HS labs, and you sometimes have to design your own ways to test for thigns. Overall, I found them to be pretty neat. They have 20 or so people in them and last about three hours.</p>

<p>Labs aren't bad.</p>

<p>Chem labs are graded almost totally on your lab write ups...including your notes from the experiment. </p>

<p>Bio labs involve worksheets, several quizzes, one big research paper based on animal behavior, a practical exam (tip: go to the undergrad bio office, they tend to ask the same style of questions from year to year, and they have old exams there).</p>

<p>I liked them both...there is some work involved, but neither are overly stressful.</p>