<p>UC seems like a match for you – great internship
I’m interning at Barclays now haha.</p>
<p>Chance me back?</p>
<p>Potential environmental science / econ major</p>
<p>SAT: 2350 (M: 750, V: 800, W: 800)
SAT IIs: (a little low) Math II: 790, Bio (M): 720
GPA: 96.7 (UW), my school doesn’t rank haha.
APs: 5 on BC, 5 on Chem, 5 on World History, 5 on US History [school doesn’t offer that many APs so I self-studied the last two]
School: ranked top 10 high schools by US News and World Report (magnet, competitive)
Current load: Multivariable calculus, Spanish VI, Current Global Issues, English IV, AP Physics C, Engineering Design and Development
(self-studying for AP Spanish Lang and Lit exams, and AP Macro and micro exams)
AP Scholar with distinction
NMSQT Commended (lol a little low for PSATs haha)</p>
<p>Model UN: president, international awards (Princeton, UPenn, UNA, etc. 1st places)
Newspaper: editor in chief
Yearbook: editor
Performing arts club: president
Student council participant
Independent research: several national and international awards, published twice (envi sci related)
Varsity rower - good 2k erg score
Drum major of marching band
First chair flutist
Technology student association: gold/silver/bronze achievement awards, 3rd at states</p>
<p>NHS member
Key Club participant
Founded research-mentoring program in my community / volunteer at middle schools around community to mentor kids
Candy striper
Open houses at my high school</p>
<p>Work experience/internships</p>
<p>Barclays Capital (this year)
Science internship in Meadowlands
Stars Challenge program</p>
<p>New Jersey Scholars Program
National Youth Leadership Conference
<p>White, legacy at Brown/Harvard, middle class (ish)
Hook: crew recruit candidate at UPenn, Princeton</p>