Can we switch lectures for Chem 3A and Chem 3AL?

<p>I was wondering if we are allowed to switch sections for Chem 3A in Frechet because I would really hate to go at 8 am every Tuesday…seeing as that is my only class of the day. I doubt we use the iclickers so I assume attendance doesn’t matter for our grade. Especially seeing that Obama’s inauguration is at the same time >.< So I’m wondering if it is permitted to go to the 2pm lecture even if one is enrolled in the 8am. Also can we switch Chem 3AL lecture sections as well. People say that it is better to have the lab lecture before the actual lab in order to have an idea of what to do. As it happens my first lab lecture is on Jan. 26 and my first lab is Jan. 22 so could I go to the Wednesday lecture instead of Monday’s as it fits better with my lab. Thanks!!!</p>

<p>yes, you can</p>

<p>(only if there are spots)</p>

<p>You mean as long as you can find a seat than it is okay to go to the other section, while being enrolled in a different section like in Chem 1A?</p>

<p>yup (10-char)</p>

<p>Yay!!! That means my first and only class on Tuesday will be at 2pm and not 8am. I bet they are counting on this because I have no idea how they would fit 480 people in 155 Dwinelle. I was always wondering how they would pull putting so many kids in such a small auditorium.</p>

<p>I know for a fact 155 Dwinelle seats <em>at least</em> 405, since that’s how many people took a midterm in there for my math class (and there were still empty seats)…</p>

<p>I would imagine that you could go to the other lecture since, you know, how would they know. But I was reading the syllabus and I found this:
“Section 1: Tu/Th, 8:00-9:30 AM, 155 Dwinelle
Section 2: Tu/Th, 2:00-3:30 PM, 1 Pimentel
Both sections will cover the same material, however, you must attend the section you enrolled in.”
Does that make a difference?</p>

<p>then you have to go to the section you are assigned to.</p>

<p>They have no way of telling if we go to the right section. I guess they are afraid that 8am will be empty and 2pm will be packed to the extreme. There are no iclickers so **** waking up early :)</p>

<p>I dunno if Frechet uses the Molecule of the Day system. If he does, he could just have different molecules for each lecture and have two versions of the tests (one for each lecture with its respective MODs).</p>