There is a language class I want to take, but I’m in the business school so it’s not part of my requirements. Is it possible to get enrolled in it however? I read somewhere that you need to ask the professor, but I’m not sure if it only applies if the class you want to take is part of your requirements.
Thank you!
Yes, you need to ask the professor. Typically, you’ll get put on the wait-list, and if an opening pops-up during the add/drop period (there is a lot of shuffling in the days leading-up to and after first day of class), then you’ll get in.
As far as being the person that puts a class over capacity, I’ve heard that it’s unlikely as many of the classes’ capacity ratings are due to room capacity (stemming from fire code and the like).
Doesn’t matter if it’s a required class or not, as it’s up to the professor to let you in or not.
Most professors will. Shoot them an email and you should be fine.