Canadian % to US GPA?

<p>Hi I live in Ontario, Canada. Currently came back to gr 12 for another year (taking classes I haven't take b4). Planning to go to University in the US next year. My school's grade system uses the Percentage Grade out of 100%, and under 50% = fail.</p>

<p>In my Gr12, my average is 84.5% out of 7 grade 12 courses.</p>

<p>In US, universities in US Im looking at uses GPA scale out of 4.0.</p>

<p>So how do I convert my % marks to GPA scale 4.0?
And do I add up all my courses from gr9 to 12 or just gr12? Thx</p>

<p>It's different from school to school. Your school guidance department has to write this report explaining how grading works in your school compared to the US.</p>