Canelink to do list?

I got this message on my to do list. What does it mean if my status is initiated. Does it mean that they don’t have it yet?</p>

<p>This is from common app. So apparently my stuff was sent?
School Counselor Invited: 10/30/2013
School Report Downloaded: 11/10/2013
Optional Report
Mid Year Report
Final Report</p>


<p>You’re good. They just haven’t matched your stuff: more likely than not, they’ve received everything! :)</p>

<p>My account says under To Do List that my HS transcript and my guidance rec letter are initiating still… Yet on common app it shows that UM downloaded my counselor’s report in October.
Should I start panicking and resend my transcripts or wait a while? Help :/</p>

<p>I know for a fact that my daughter’s application is complete because her counselor met with Umiami rep (we are local and she is applying ed). However her Canelink still says that her ACT is missing. What they told me is that all the material is in but it takes some time for Canelink to sort them into the account. I do not think they look at Canelink to read the applications, that is why they were not too concerned about all this delay when I called. If your daughter is applying ED I would call now just to be on the safe side. If she is applying EA I would wait until after ED is out (Dec 20th).</p>

<p>Can you check your application status on cane link? Because I can’t find it…

<p>log in to CaneLink. Then go to Main Menu (drop menu). Press on Self Service - Student Admission - Application Status.</p>

<p>Today is the first day that CaneLink says that my daughter’s application is complete. She sent the Common App on 10/29.</p>

<p>how do you check if a school downloaded your report on the common app? bc i don’t see it. just the submitted and the green check. when i click on the University of Miami</p>

hi, in my canelink the application status listed as “incomplete”, yet below is the line “the U has your app” and due date is 29 Nov. what does this mean??