Cannot decide major/career path, help me please!!

I am about to start my senior year of high school and I still have no idea what to study! I thought I had set my mind on international relations, but lately, I’ve been very weary of it. I truly am very good with languages (and enjoy foreign cultures/traveling) and would love to use them in my everyday life/ career in the future, however, I don’t think that international relations is very profitable…I do not come from a rich family and I need my college studies to be very much worth it.
On the other hand I feel that I am becoming more and more attached to science. I am taking Ap Chemisty this year so I hope that taking that class will help me make my decision. I really think that something like pathology or surgeon is something I am interested in however I am not the best student and I am not sure if med school is right for me.
I’ve thought about Forensics but I am not sure if combining that with a language is in any way possible, any ideas?
I am also taking AP Economics macro and micro, will that be a good way to direct myself towards business?

Long story short: How do I focus my interests when I have so many in very different fields? are there any jobs that combine economics with languages or chemistry with languages?

Study the languages that the U.S. government is begging people to study. They are called “critical languages” because they are critical to the national security of the USA. They include languages like Korean, Chinese, Arabic and Russian. Learning the languages can lead to excellent jobs with the federal government, as well as many other types of jobs with government agencies, think tanks, nonprofits, large corporations, etc.

The nice thing about studying these languages is that the U.S. government offers special scholarships for study abroad and intensive studies at certain universities in the U.S. to master these languages. See the following resources:

You’re still a senior though, you don’t really need to be super worried until sophomore year of college!

What kind of forensics are you interested in though?