<p>I'm still caught up and unconvinced that my high school career is over. It's simply unreal. I'm going to miss my high school and my friends soooooo much. I had no true idea of how emotional this whole process of ending your last year of school can be. I'm slightly overwhelmed.</p>
<p>Anyone else feeling the same way about leaving?</p>
<p>In with the old, out with the new. Today was my last day of classes ever at Chicago.</p>
<p>Dio, what did you major in, anyways?</p>
<p>Yah, I sort of figured when I read on another thread you were going to work at a startup internet company. :) It was either math or computer science. </p>
<p>Did you enjoy your years at Chicago?</p>
<p>Yes, the absolute best four years of my life (so far).</p>
<p>Waht did you think of your 4 years of math at Chicago. Did you get an honors diploma. What will you do after graduation?
Congrats on finishing.</p>
<p>major congrats on finishing</p>
<p>Yep, I have honors. I realize now I said "in with the old, out with the new," which is the opposite of what I wanted to say. Ha ha. Out with the old, in with the new! There we go.</p>
<p>I'm moving out to CA (Palo Alto) to work at an internet startup with some other people from Chicago. <em>crosses fingers</em></p>
<p>What about you guys? Are you glad to be done with HS? I know I was when I graduated. Leaving Chicago is definitely a mixed bag for me, though. I love the city and almost all my friends are here now.</p>
<p>I just got my cap and gown today- what a feeling</p>