Can't decide UCF or FSU

<p>Hey guys I've been accepted to a couple colleges but I've narrowed it down basically to UCF or FSU. I really want to do summer just to get oriented with the campus and friends and get a head start on some of my classes so I'm not stuck with 800 people in one class so FSU has that. But I just feel like UCF is a much better fit for me. The problem is (and this might come off as insecure or shallow) but most of my friends are going to either FSU or UF and the few people I know that are going to UCF I don't really like. I really want to know that at least one other friend is going there. I just feel like making friends is a lot easier when your not alone. I know that there are websites to get to know other students and find roomates,I just want to know is my reason understandable and does anyone have any advice for me. </p>


<p>You should go to UCF, since that’s were you feel most comfortable Trust me, I was in the same situation between UF and UCF, but in the end I choose UCF. College is all about new experiences. I know its hard to watch your friends go, but you will meet some new ones :). In the end, it’s all about comfort, since where you are more comfortable, you are going to excel a lot more since you’re in an environment that suites you</p>

<p>Good Luck on Your decision :D</p>

<p>i was accepted to FSU and UCF also. I chose UCF because i liked it a lot more and felt more confortable there</p>

<p>I was also torn between ucf and fsu. And I chose ucf over fsu because basically everyone I hated from high school was going to fsu. No joke, I dont regret a thing though because ucf is a great school. Your reasons understandable but you should just go where you think you’ll do better academically regardless of social life.</p>