Can't decide which major.

<p>Sooo, I am considering a career in Neonatology, like a nurse practitioner? Does anyone know the steps you would take to become that starting from undergrad through, well,getting a job! Also, do Neonatology nurse practitioners make a decent salary? I hate to be superficial but I just can't deny money has a large factor on my career choice! Thanks everyone!

<p>Go to school and get your BSN. Get work experience, apply to a NP program, get your DNP (doctorate of nursing practice – a Masters to be an NP is being phased out).</p>

<p>You will make a decent amount for sure as an NP…but PAs make more even though the job is essentially the same…</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! My other question is would a PA be used in a hospital for neonatal?</p>

<p>Yes, that is where neonatology is practiced.</p>