Can't figure out how to submit Colleges section for one unit courses?

My son is having trouble completing and filling out this part of the application. He has four college courses to report, but they are only one unit each.

The UC Application instructs him in quite strong language to enter all of the colleges where he has taken coursework, so he did that.

But then under the college coursework section, it says NOT to enter any courses that are less than three units. So he can’t enter any courses in this section.

That would be okay… he can put detail about the courses in Additional Info or in Activities under other coursework… but the problem is that the UC App won’t let him submit the educational history section without any coursework listed for the colleges that he listed.

Should he just delete the colleges, and explain in the Additional Info section?

Paging @Gumbymom, our resident UC expert :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would contact UC admissions for confirmation but it sounds logical to delete the College and put an explanation into the Additional Academic Information.



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Thank you very much! I agree the logical thing to do is to delete the colleges. Thanks for all the info about support, I will have him contact them… although I do worry that it might be difficult to get an answer in time.

Just for anyone else reading this thread, I’ll copy the language from the form, so you can see why it’s so confusing. :slight_smile:

Under “Colleges attended while in high school”

You must enter all colleges you’ve attended while in high school—regardless of how long you attended, whether courses were completed or whether you believe your record will affect your chances for admission. Providing incomplete or incorrect information may jeopardize your UC admission or enrollment.

Under “College courses taken in high school”

Please report all grades you received for all academic courses you enrolled in, including withdrawals, incompletes and courses you may have repeated at a later date. Do not list athletic courses or courses that are under 3 units (courses under 3 units do not satisfy the UC “a-g” subject area requirements).

I was in this situation last year. I just did not list the college that I took my 2-unit courses at. UC admissions did not care and never requested that transcript.

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Depending on the UC, he actually might need to submit these transcripts. Even though they are one unit classes, two of the classes would be required for his major at UCB, if he were to go there. (They are UCB classes taken through concurrent enrollment.)

Once your student is accepted and enrolled in a UC, they will have a “to do list” to maintain their provisional admission and if college transcripts are required, they will be listed there if they need to be submitted.


He wanted to submit the darn thing already… so he deleted the colleges and explained everything under Additional Info and Other Coursework, with all the details, including the college codes, course names etc. I think it should be fine, since it has all of the information that he would have submitted in the college section.


Agree that he should be fine. As long as that app is in before the crash, he should be okay. The UC’s will follow up if they need additional information.
Good Luck to your son!!

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Thanks!! It is submitted, we are celebrating… whew! :tada: :champagne:


Congratulations and Good luck!!!