<p>We already paid and got the confirmation email, but evidently it takes a couple days to show up on the application. It wants me to pay first before submitting my application. However, it won't let me submit my application still. I can't wait several days because I have to get this application in tomorrow... what do I do?</p>
<p>I’m having a similarish problem-can’t submit because school forms aren’t in. But my teachers are doing them by paper…so do I put their names down anyways?</p>
<p>lilyrobin: Yes.</p>
<p>AlexE: it would probably be good to call the admissions office for that school and ask them what you can do to meet the deadline.</p>
<p>to anyone else with this problem:
I called admissions and they told me to just put “intending to apply for a fee waiver” and it will let you submit your main application. I hope that it will show it as paid later to replace the “apply for a fee waiver” part.</p>