CAP dilemma

<p>Here’s the problem…</p>

<p>For the past 2 or so years I’ve been thinking about doing engineering as a career, but in the past 6 months or so I’ve been leaning towards getting away from engineering and into mathematics or something like that. The problem is, I have to register for CAP now, and if I want to do engineering, i have to sign up for the particular course for that concentration. Keep in mind I really think that I’d rather do something OTHER than engineering, even though i still have an interest in it. If I end up signing up for a different CAP course, will i have no chance of becoming an engineering major in the fall? If I DO sign up for engineerin cap course, I am obligated to take that course in the fall, aren’t I (even if by then I"ve decided 100% engineering is not for me)???</p>

<p>I know I can only resolve this issue on my own, but any advice would be much appreciated…</p>

<p>you don't need a CAP course, and ultimately it won't affect anything.</p>

<p>Just take EN3 and drop it if you hate it.</p>

<p>You can also sign up for a CAP course and not have it be CAP. Know what I mean?</p>

<p>Which course, btw?</p>

<p>I think if you plan to major in engineering, you are required to take a CAP course, and that CAP course HAS to be EN3.</p>

<p>And I also don't know if you are allowed to drop a CAP course..</p>

<p>But...if I sign up for a CAP course OTHER than EN3, am I still able to major in engineering if I so choose come next fall?</p>

<p>you are not required to take a CAP course to major in engineering</p>

<p>jesus, people don't always go into their intended major immediately. you could start engineering your sophomore year and still be fine.</p>

<p>just take WHAT YOU WANT this semester</p>

<p>at Brown you are not required to do anything</p>

<p>and yes, you can drop your CAP course, but the prof will still be your advisor for the year.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your help...</p>

<p>So, does this mean I can register for a non-engineering CAP course and still be able to take EN3 in the fall and become an engineering major, even though the form asks engineering concentrators to register for EN3?</p>

<p>absolutely, (assuming no scheduling conflict) the only thing is that your advisor this year will be in whatever dept the CAP class is in, which really isnt that big a deal</p>

<p>To the OP: I suggest you contact Brown, preferably the Engineering department, and check. </p>

<p>Engineering everywhere, including Brown, tends to be fairly rigid, and you may need an engineering advisor all the way to make sure you plan out the correct courses in the correct sequence. Although you are at Brown, the engineering has to conform to national standards, and that takes away a lot of flexibility. If they told you to do something if you want to major in engineering, I would not just ignore it figuring "it's Brown, I can do anything".</p>

<p>you can switch advisors at the end of the year, and you get a concentration advisor when you declare</p>