CAP21 Acceptance Numbers

<p>I read on another online forum
that CAP21 accepts 40 girls and 20 guys. Is This true? I thought it was 50 percent each.</p>

<p>I can’t verify those numbers for you, but I will say that there are many more girls in my D’s freshmen class at NYU/Tisch/CAP21 than there are boys.</p>

I don’t have the definitive answer for you but I do not believe that they aim to accept 50% of each gender. But I also don’t believe that they have a set number as you described of 40 girls and 20 guys in terms of slots they wish to fill. What I believe is that many more girls audition than boys and they take those whom they feel are best qualified for their program. Due to the fact that more girls audition, more girls are in the program. That would mean that girls and guys have an equal chance of being admitted. At some other programs where there are also more girls than guys who AUDITION but where they aim to take an EQUAL number of each gender into the program (or in the case of CMU where they aim to take more guys than girls), boys have a greater chance of admission in terms of the odds.</p>

<p>Clay - My daughter recently auditioned at NYU and I asked this question. The admissions guy said there are not 30 boys and 30 girls for 60 spots but rather they take a percentage and therefore end up with more girls than boys.</p>