<p>What is everything I need to know about it for the sat subject test in physics?</p>
<p>What is everything I need to know about it for the sat subject test in physics?</p>
<p>You should know what they are, the formulas (potential energy, capacitors in circuits, C=Q/V), and you should probably know a little about dielectrics just to be safe.</p>
<p>parallels add, series 1/C…</p>
<p>okay, well i never covered this topic exactly (i did currents, with resistance and current and all that)…any1 care to give me a quick explanation or point me in the right direction (on wikipedia, i didnt know what to look for)</p>
<p>sry, im just nervouss</p>
<p>C=Q/V (remember the units, farad, columbs, and volts)</p>
<p>for parallel capacitance, you add up the capacitance to find eq. capaticitance, for series, you do the 1/C1+1/C2+…=1/Ceq thats reallly all you have to know.</p>