career advice

I studied film at USC, worked on student projects there, and had several internships. Since then Ive moved back home with my parents in Florida. Here I cant find any film jobs and am stuck working in part time retail for $10/hr.

For a while I was thinking about moving back to LA and finding work as a set PA or office PA. Set PA jobs are fairly easy to find, but they only pay around minimum wage and are temporary gigs, so I’d have to be constantly finding new work. Office assistant jobs at agencies and production companies are more steady jobs, but they’re difficult to get and you’re still only making like 15/hr.

Another option I have is to go back to school in Florida and get a second degree in Business. So I can try to get management jobs, financial analyst jobs, or maybe go into accounting. This isn’t my “passion”, but Id probably make a much better salary.

What would you do in my situation?

What do you want to do? This is a growing issue for many recent grads. They went to school for X and didn’t realize that starting out is tough. Success in many fields is both about ability and the ability to grind it out until you get to the level that you envisioned when you were at school. This happened to me a long time ago. Broadcasting was the plan. Took a very low paying job when cable was just coming out. Liked the idea of that big career but wasn’t willing to grind it out, moving to a bunch of small markets. Have a friend who stuck with it (camera man) and he has done quite well. I see him on TV all the time at national sporting events.

It’s about passion, desire, and what you are willing to do to live your dreams.

BTW - there’s nothing wrong with changing goals and going in a different direction. That’s what I did and own / operate a successful financial services firm and have enjoyed that for many yrs. Helping clients and other advisors has worked out great.

Just be clear about what you want to do. It’s not about what others think or expect. It’s about you and your future.

Best of luck.