[career change] Salary and types of entry level jobs for engineering undergrad?

<p>I am considering to get a second degree after 2 years out of college (I got my BA finance degree from a state school in the west), realizing that sales & customer service jobs (i.e. banking) are not for me.</p>

<p>The problem of the degree I reckon is that if you are not from one of the ivy or have no connections you are not going to get in any of those behemoth banks/management trainee program in big corps, and also it does not prepare you well enough for "business-technical" jobs (which usually related to stats and programming) which companies like to hire fresh grad for.</p>

<p>so before I do anything stupid, I would like to know the kind of jobs and paid for a undergrad engineering students. I am thinking of fields related to computer, so I guess computer engineering, comp. science, electric engineering would fit? </p>

<p>If you have undergone similar situations, please share your experience!! Thanks tons and appreciate any advices!</p>

<p>If you have a degree from an ABET accredited program, you stand a good chance of getting a well-paid job.</p>

<p>[Engineering</a> Schools by Salary Potential ? PayScale College Salary Report 2012-13](<a href=“http://www.payscale.com/college-salary-report-2013/engineering-schools]Engineering”>http://www.payscale.com/college-salary-report-2013/engineering-schools)</p>

<p>While the salaries on the list depend on location as well as prestige, employers don’t necessarily have a bias for ivies when searching for employees.</p>