Career counselor in Bay Area?

<p>Son home for Thanksgiving and it's amazing how much info we get in person as compared to the phone or e-mail. He's not sure he wants to stick with a business major as the 1st semester of college finals closes in. This has me thinking of ways to help him explore more options for majors. He obviously needs to talk to professors/advisors @ school for some guidance. </p>

<p>Are there still career advisors that may help clarify strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, to help define career goals? I'm looking for someone in the SF bay area including Silicon Valley. If you know of anyone you've had success with I would love a recommendation. Also open to more input as to how other parents have guided their college students.</p>

<p>If your son is still in school, there should be a career center on campus. The advisers there should be a wonderful resource.</p>

<p>I second the advice of the school career center - I worked in one while in college and the resources are amazing…</p>

<p>Sometimes just trying out a career during summer internships is the best way to figure out if that job is right for you. OUr D nixed a couple of future careers (teaching, lab work) based on a summer’s experience.</p>