career path?

<p>Ok so I think I want to go to the Kelley School of Business next year and major in finance and possibly double major in accounting. Or I would consider another good combination if anybody has any suggestions. However I'm not sure what I want to do after undergrad. Would it be possible to go into IB or hedge funds or something of the like coming out of Kelley? I like the whole idea of Mergers and Aquisitions because I enjoy negotiations and what not. What are other lucrative career paths? I'm really not sure so any advice would be GREATLY appreciated, I'd really like to start getting together some ideas of where I'm headed. Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>Are you in IU right now or still in high school?</p>

<p>I'm in Kelley right now as a junior. Finance is the most popular major in Kelley by far, and accounting is a good second major to take as a lot of the classes overlap.</p>

<p>Investment banking is definitely a possibility out of Kelley. I'm not sure on your class status, but if you are still a freshmen or still in high school you should check out the investment banking workshop. I'm not a finance major so I'm not sure on the exact specifics of it, but you can find more details about it here: Undergraduate</a> Program.</p>

<p>If you don't want to go into investment banking, their is always corporate finance, as well as the Big 4 if you did accounting too. Lots of different choices.</p>

<p>Also keep in mind that usually most people, unless you know you want to try to get into the investment banking workshop program, don't take classes geared towards their major until their junior year. There are a ton of pre-req classes that all business majors must take, so you'll gain exposure to all the different majors and find something you will like.</p>

<p>Hope that helped and feel free to respond with any questions and I'll try my best to help.</p>