Carnegie Mellon Average High School GPA

<p>Does anyone know if on the US news rankings and other websites the average high school GPA includes freshman year? I know that Carnegie Mellon doesn't consider freshman year when calculating GPA, but is it the same for other websites that display their average GPA?</p>

<p>The main reason is that I bombed freshman year, and so a 3.6-7 (the average on the U.S. News ranking site) is a possibility for me if I work hard this semester, but if the actual GPA without including freshman year is more like a 4.0, but just lowered down on the other websites because of the freshman year, then I've probably got no chance for this amazing school.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I’d also love to find this out too!</p>

<p>GPA is all relative to each high school. Some schools have grade inflation and others have more deflation.</p>

<p>I think it’s more how your GPA compares to others at your school.</p>

<p>There are dozens of different High School GPA systems. Some have weighted (W) and un-weighted (UW), some have W or UW only, some are on a 4.0 scale, some are on a 5.0 scale, some on a 10.0 scale, etc.</p>

<p>Thus, an average GPA admissions statistics is utterly useless information. Most collegea don’t post an average GPA because they know how varied GPA systems can be. Carnegie Mellon (being an exception) posts average GPA’s for each college on the admissions website. You can’t learn anything from these statistics however so don’t use them to gauge your competitiveness. If you really want to know your chances at CMU, just post a thread in the “What Are My Chances” forum.</p>