Carnegie Mellon SAMS 2021 Discussion

Can I join the group chat too ? Hehe

wait I got it, but if anyone needs reference, I was kind of average for the school I go to and I got in :
-First-gen African, low income – 80K in a 6 person household
-GPA (w): 4.3 (uw) 3.8, 1050 on the PSAT and no SAT scores (yet)

  • 3 AP Classes (I’ve only taken the test for AP World which I got a 4 on and I’m taking Lang and APUSH rn)
    -All As and one B but rn I have two Bs
    -Co-started my own business/clothing brand(last year)
    -Co-founded a mentor program for elementary and middle school students (this year)
    -Girl Scout since 4th grade
    -Went to a medical conference and was awarded as a delegate
    My essays were mostly about me being first gen and from Uganda and how interested I am in health policy/business/medicine/research
    also I’m from California congrats to everyoneee and for anyone who got rejected there are SOOOO many more opportunities

I got accepted for the second time.

I’m white and from the Midwest, lower middle class (40k ish income), 1 parent household (other parent is on house arrest, was in jail), private boarding school

I have a 3.8 ish GPA and a 1470 SAT (710 M 760 RW)

Extracurriculars at the time of application looked something like:

  1. President of coding affinity club
  2. Vice president of community service club
  3. Robotics team programmer
  4. Research in VR at a local university
  5. Debate team weekly lesson head
  6. Website manager for numerous organizations
  7. Board member of and writer for theater festival, actor in a couple of productions
  8. Job at school call center
  9. Writer for a couple publications

I picked the struggles essay as well.

Thank you all for sharing your wonderful stats! you are all amazing!

Please do share your advice for next year.

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I got accepted this year (but not last year since I didn’t apply last year)

-Asian, junior, 35k income in 4 person household
-weighted GPA around a 4.65, 36 on ACT, 800 on both Sat Subject Tests for Math 2c and Physics
-haven’t taken any AP exams but currently taking AP Chem, Lang, USH, and Calc BC
-all A’s

-play classical piano for around 9 years, won some minor competitions, I wrote in my application that I stopped taking lessons due to expenses
-robotics club Vice-Pres
-Physics club
-Chemistry club, got 2nd place for a chem research event at NJ Chemistry Olympics
-volunteer tutoring for nonprofit called Million Reasons, but only started in like January
-been wrestling since freshman year

The 1000 word limit essay was about having worries about joining and starting wrestling but seeing that the sport may seem like a solo sport but actually involves lots of teamwork
In the “why do you wanna go to SAMS” essay I said that I want to become an engineer and garner skills needed to become a better groupmate, lab partner, teammate, etc. since those skills are important in STEM fields. I also noted specific things I looked forward to like a book club and music jam at SAMS (since on the website they say that those took place during the previous SAMS summer)

Looking at other people’s stats, I have a slight feeling that my recommendations might have helped boost my application(?) but at the same time I’m genuinely not sure lol. My sophomore chemistry teacher really liked me but my counselor I never really got to talk to a lot (but I filled out a personal questionnaire for her to refer to).

here are my stats im not even sure how i got in haha:

-junior, black, low income 1 parent household
-we dont get our gpa until senior yr, but i assume its like a 3.8 or 3.9??
-i go to a boarding school w like 45 kids in my grade, we dont rank
-34 act and 1500 sat (800m, 700rw)
-took ap physics exam in 10th, got a 3 (yikes)
-im taking bio, physics 2, and calc ab right now

-president and founder of ASL club
-11th grade representative (basically class pres)
-private tutor
-went to zimbabwe in 10th for volunteer purposes
-founded dance club, did that for a yr
-vice pres of tutoring club in 9th grade
-admissions ambassador since 9th grade
-cheerleader 10th & 11th
-my school doesnt rlly do awards or promote award related stuff so i dont rlly have those

my recs were rlly good ive had my science/physics teacher since the ninth grade and we are really close and i have always been close with my math teacher, literally like my second mom

my essays i think were good. i picked the struggles essay.

hope that helped!

I was accepted! Could you send me the link to the group chat?



First-gen American
4.0 gpa, no SAT/PSAT because of covid
2 aps (bio and APUSH), 5 honors classes

Multiple science clubs
President of volunteering club
Vice President of positive psychology club
Captain of volleyball team (been playing for 4 years)
Church volunteer

Other skills:

Former guidance counselor who knows me very well
Physics teacher

@cavsfan2003 can I have a link to the group chat?

Here’s the link! Discord I think it expires in 7 days