Carnegie Mellon SAMS 2021 Discussion

My son just informed me that he was accepted. He was also accepted as a sophomore last year before COVID hit. Gonna be a tough choice as he has other competitive programs he was recently accepted into

My Brother was accepted last year and this again this year. I attended SAMS the summer before COVID. Sad he won’t have that in-person experience but happy that he still has the academic challenge.

Congratulations! SAMS is a great choice but I was wandering is there is any conflict between the dates of MOSTEC and SAMS?

How many of the accepted are juniors?

Do you mean from the letter? It didn’t mention, but I’m a soph

I think there are more juniors than sophomores accepted.

Rejected…Congratulations to all who are accepted. Could you please share your stat to evaluate? does financial status affect ?? any comments would be highly appreciated for next year.

Congratulations!! could you please share stat of your brother or any advice as well for next year. Thank you!

For those who didn’t get in know that financial status + being from an underrepresented community plays a rly large role (the program is geared towards these groups) so don’t take it too harshly on ur personal academic profile. there’s always other things u can do!!


I just got in I’m so happy I can’t believe this

I also have a question what does everyone believe our day to day lives would look like in the program

Waitlisted…Does anyone know how common it is for them to accept a waitlist?

So did they not have the program last year? Was it cancelled due to Covid? If that’s the case, I’m definitely glad those of you who were supposed to attend last year are getting a chance to participate this year. I wonder if priority was given to those applicants, rightfully so.

Hey guys! My name is elise. join our groupchat if you havent already:



I got accepted for the second time.

Im a female asian, urban area, middle class, public school.

I had only taken 3 AP tests (i have all IB/AP classes this year tho), and got 5 on all.

I had omly taken 1 SAT and it was 1470 (scores are coming out tmrw tho) and my PSAT in 10th grade was only a 1370
W GPA: 5.16 // UW: 3.98 // Rank: 1/800

Extracurriculars were:
-Founder of nonprofit organization
-Dallas executive director of a STEM nonprofit
-State chair/Vice pres/media director for 3 different Model UN organizations
-A district student ambassador
-President of student council
-Over 300 volunteer hrs (hospital, school volunteer, and the nonprofits)
-Varsity Tennis
-10 yrs of piano
-State science fair competitor and I’ve had my research published and magazine interviews
-State and National Art Qualifier and Medalist and Collegeboard posted my art lmaoo

Im not first gen and my family income isn’t low either despite these programs targeting minorities. I also chose the struggles essay.

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Not going to lie I feel so out of place with you all like I got in but you guys seem so spectacular

Not sure how much Stats play a role (sometimes I feel like it is a roll of the dice) All the students who apply are exceptional and are talented. So how does a program choose from such talent? We are from rural Idaho (so that is probably an under-represented) state for these programs. Although that being said, he was rejected for RSI… so who knows. He finished AP Calc at 14 (5 on AP exam) completed Calc 2,3 Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics at Universit of Idaho. Will take Diff EQ and Abstract Algebra next year. He scored 750 on PSAT on Math and 700 on language. Is a 4.00 GPA unweighted, a competitive swimmer, and a lifeguard. Caucasian, middle class