***Carnegie Mellon University Class of 2020 RD Decision ONLY***

We got an email on Friday. It said that after the review they still couldn’t offer her any assistance. I imagine they are still going through them. You can always call and see. Dd is going for a visit on Monday. Lets hope she hates it. :slight_smile:

Yes, my child has been active in the competitive computer hacking team called Plaid Parliament of Pwning. http://pwning.net/about/ They compete both in web based competitions and onsite. They’ve won the Defcon competition a couple of times (considered the world series of hacking), and their team was ranked number one in the world last year (out of all teams, industry and academic.) https://ctftime.org/stats/2015 The undergraduates won the Microsoft Build the Shield competition two years in a row – this year CMU took all 3 top spots. https://buildtheshield.microsoft.com/us/ They also won the NYU competition called CSAW (which is the North American competition) two years in a row. I don’t say all this just to blab on about how great they are but to let you know the level of education, encouragement, and support they get. I remember one time when I personally had to take an oral exam and the examiner afterwards told one of my professors how great I’d done, but really I knew it was only because I had been incredibly well trained, that my school prepared all of us to the maximum. So in terms of the level of work at CMU, I have heard it is a ton. But also that CMU wouldn’t have admitted someone who couldn’t do it. My child said they have a really good system for homework help right in the dorms and then there are office hours and TA sessions. Well, I know this is a hard decision and I don’t mean to give you wicked stress over it. To be honest, I really had no idea how good CMU SCS was until my child went there so I felt you may not really know either. And as for a job during the school year, no I don’t think your child would have time for one either. They do get good summer internship pay and that’s been a help. Whatever your child’s decision, I send best wishes for a wonderful college experience, wherever it is. And hugs to you for trying to do what’s best for everyone in your family.