Cars at CC?

<p>I believe that first years are not eligible or parking permits- but do many bring cars anyway and park on street? Is there much of need for a car anyway? What do the carless do during block breaks? Inquiring minds want to know. . . There's a 1990 Volvo 240 that might be better off staying home in KY. . .</p>

<p>Hi! You are right, technically first years are not allowed to have cars on campus, however there are a few exceptions. For instance, I am a member of the CC equestrian team and we have to travel 30 minutes each way to get to the barn. I can think of at least one person my freshman year that got our coach so sign something that said she had a good reason for needing a car on campus, and it was approved. It is also very easy to keep a car off campus and parked on nearby streets. Even as a a senior I know quite a few people that still do this because it saves them a couple hundred dollars per semester. </p>

<p>As a freshman, there really isn’t much need for a car. Lots of places are within walking/biking distance, and if you are friends with upperclassmen that have cars, most people are more than willing to take you somewhere or let you borrow their car for a few hours. For block breaks, I’ve always managed to get a ride. It’s especially easy if you have friends that live in the area. My freshman year for most breaks my friend’s parents would pick us up, take us to their place, and we’d take a car from there. I would definitely say keep the car at home. As a senior who will be graduating in 2 months and has never had a car on campus, I’ve never once been limited by my lack of car. If you really want/need to get somewhere, you will find a way to do it. Good luck!!</p>