<p>So I changed what I want to do lol. What are my ED/RD chances. I know my rank's a bit low.</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: it depends on the scale but on the tougher one where a 90-93 isn't a 4.0 it's a 3.77
on the one where 90-100= 4.0 it's a 3.85
Class Rank: 8/118 around top 7%</p>
<p>SAT I Math: 770
SAT I Critical Reading: 790
SAT I Writing: 690</p>
<p>790 USH SAT 2
710 Literature</p>
<p>I had 5 AP classes available to me freshman through junior year. I took 4 of them and took the test in 2 of them.
5- Apush 4- AP lit</p>
<p>Extracurriculars (my weak part)</p>
<p>JETS (Engineering Club) junior and senior year
Engineering competition team junior and senior year
Spanish Honor Society junior and senior year
Interact Club junior and senior year
Red Cross Club junior and senior year
spanish honor society junior and senior year
nhs junior and senior year</p>
<p>Leadership positions:
Co-founder/Vice President of my schools Spanish Honor Society </p>
<p>300 volunteering with poor people in my parent's home country ( done the summers of my freshman and sophomore year)</p>
<p>100 domestic (50 hospital, 5 domestic)</p>