<p>Hey guys, I was just wondering about my chances to get into NYU Regular Decision for pre-med (NOT Sterns)....I would not be willing to apply ED since I will porbably applying ED to JHU (my dream school)...</p>
<p>First of all, I am entering my senior year at HS in a top notch public high schools in NJ...</p>
<p>GPA is about a 4.0 (my school doesn't rank....)</p>
<p>SAT I: 2150 (first time...plan to retake in October)</p>
<p>SAT II's:
Math II C: 790
Physics: 710
Bio: 660 (I know this is weak)
Chem: 660 (Again...this is very weak)</p>
<p>I will have taken 9 AP classes by the time I graduate...
AP Calc AB, AP Stat, AP Spanish, AP US History, AP Art History, AP Chem, AP Bio, AP English I, and AP English II</p>
<p>All of my grades are B+'s and A's (one B in AP English....but I got a sure 5 on the test...the class is notoriously challenging in my HS, but as a result everyone gets a 5)</p>
<li>President of Genetic Research Club at my HS (this is not based on a typical popular election, you have to be selected by a board of Rutgers Professors...there is a whole admissions process...only two kids from my school got selected...I was one of them)</li>
<li>Attending Genetic Research summer program at Rutgers this summer (part of the genetics club presidency)</li>
<li>Also visiting a foreign nation this summer</li>
<li>150+ volunteer hours at local hospital</li>
<li>Vice President of Auxilliary at local hospital for past three years (raises money for the hospital by organizing findraisers such as walkathons)</li>
<li>Orchestra from age 8</li>
<li>Private lessons for past five years</li>
<li>All the honors societies (Spanish honors, national honors, Mu Alpha Theta)</li>
<li>Nominated and participated in Natural Helpers Program for the past four years</li>
<li>Me and a group of friends created our own online school newspaper/forum (I'm an admin in there....I don't know if that would count as anything, but it does eat up a LOT of time)
-Very strong reccomendations (a lot of my teachers like me a lot...I can't figure out why...they actually ask me to let them write recommendations for me)</li>
<li>I am a pretty good writer...therefore I will probably have descent essays</li>
<p>-Grades went down slightly in my junior year since I broke my foot while playing basketball (intramurals...not on school team). I was in a cast and on crutches for two months and had a walking brace for another one month. Will colleges take this into consideration?</p>
<p>-GPA has increased every year from a 3.7 in freshman year...I have heard that's a good thing...</p>
<p>Any replies would be appreciated...</p>