Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

Results for CWRU class of 2023 is coming up soon! It is estimated that decisions will be released on the 17th of December. Good luck to everybody!

Remove the “a” in the bold, size, and color of your decision.

[aB][asize=4][acolor=#008000]Decision: Accepted[/color][/size]**
[aB][asize=4][acolor=#FFA500]Decision: Deferred[/color][/size]**
[aB][asize=4][acolor=#FF0000]Decision: Rejected[/color][/size]**

SAT I (breakdown):
ACT (breakdown):
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
Weighted GPA:
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis):
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load:
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community service:
Summer Activities:
Essays (rating 1-10, details):
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1:
Teacher Rec #2:
Counselor Rec:
Additional Rec:

Applied for Financial Aid?:
Intended Major:
State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant):
School Type:
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):


Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

General Comments:

Hi, I applied EA and just realized that my FAFSA EFC is low compared to the full cost of attending CWRU and would like to know if anyone aware if CWRU admission decision need-blind or not?

Hi @Jujuhomo not exactly sure what you are asking, I can tell you that when we went to visit they told us that if you are accepted to Case they will not let cost be a factor, meaning, if you cant afford tuition based on your CSS and FAFSA they will find the means for you.

Case Western Reserve University will officially adopt a need-aware admissions policy despite student opposition last fall, when the possibility was first made known to the student body.

Undergraduate Student Government (USG) President Brian Ward announced the transition to need-aware admissions—which the university has dubbed “Meet Full Need”—in the minutes Secretary Benjamin Tooke sent before the USG General Assembly on Sept. 13. Ward added that he will be working with administrators to ensure two points: that the policy will not negatively affect socioeconomic diversity at CWRU and that university marketing addresses student concerns.

So I think this means that they take into account need in admissions somewhat…they can’t have all full need people. But for the people with need that they admit, they will meet the full need. So I agree with @Proudmom2023

Do we know if the 17th is confirmed? I haven’t gotten an email yet…

Their website says on or about 12/17 and it sounds like they’ve stuck close to the announced date in past years. My son hasn’t heard anything yet, either.

Just called Case and they said “sometime next week”…no specific date

Are there any merit scholarships that EA applicants are automatically considered for?


The fact that they haven’t confirmed the 17th even though it’s only 2 days away makes me think that results might come out at a later date, then…
I’m super nervous :frowning:

Well that sucks they are need aware. Really does. I guess I have a pretty low chance of acceptance with a EFC of zero to start off with. Not to mention my ACT superscored is a 32-that’s lower than what I saw of any acceptance of last year’s thread.

Hey @equationlover! I recognized your name from the Ohio State thread! I applied to Case as well. You must also be from Ohio then. Well, good luck to you! I also have an EFC of zero. My SAT score is horrible by Case’s standards at a low 1210, so I’m definitely not expecting to get in. I feel that you have a better chance than you think. Hope to see you in class next year! That would be amazing, and super coincidental! Good luck to you. What major did you apply for?

I also applied to UM! We’re like the same person! Hahaha this is so funny! Good luck. Maybe we will see eachother in class someday. I will follow your posts to see where you get in!

P.S. If you meet full Pell Grant eligibility, tuition is FREE at Ohio State for in state students. That may be your best option if you end up at Ohio State. Sorry you still haven’t heard back. It’s already been such a long ride.

Any idea about what time the decision will be released tomorrow?

@wowbears Have they confirmed decisions will be released tomorrow? Will EA and ED be released on the same day?
I’m thinking my son will be deferred or rejected…

I looked at last year’s thread and the results were up at about 7:50 pm, EST on December 19, which was a Wednesday.

CWRU’s website says notification this year will be on or about Monday, December 17 for both early decision I and early action.

Based on last year’s comments, the website said December 17 last year too. But the results came out December 19. :frowning:

In looking at last year’s thread, there were a LOT of students with really great stats who were deferred.

I have seen scatter graphs on Parchment and wide ranges of chances on collegedata that demonstrate Case Western looks at the whole student, not just stats. They deny many high stats candidates in favor of more well-rounded/interesting lower stats candidates. So don’t fret if you have average stats for this school. Your recommendations and extracurriculars might outweigh a lower SAT or GPA.

Good luck to everyone!

@UMDreamer Thanks! I have low doubts I will get into U of M (Engineering is a very tough admit.)

Really?? That is awesome to hear for OSU. I heard that room and board is more expensive than tuition at OSU though—which is unfortunate. What major are you?

I applied for engineering at Case, OSU, and U of M. I doubt I will get into U of M, which I’m okay with.

P.S. U of M is actually my dream school, but coming from a low income background and a Ohio resident, I think that OSU would be more accommodating $ wise. I haven’t gotten admitted yet, which is very frustrating. To be honest, OSU and U of M are pretty much in the same caliber. If you’re applying STEM, OSU is very strong in that. For example, their CS and engineering programs are in the T30.

My sister got rejected from OSU on Friday. I felt really bad—she thought she got admitted to OSU main campus, but then as she read down she saw she was admitted to Marion. ): She knew that OSU was a reach with her stats, though. She applied as a nursing major.

Also, don’t count yourself out! There was someone last year with a 25 ACT (I think that’s roughly equivalent to your score) who got into CWRU with a full ride because she was low income.

The website says 17th for EA & ED.

thx for checking last year date @vamom4