Case Western Reserve Class of 2027 Official Thread

Did everyone get the email about the May 2nd update?

we did not - but have not committed yet, is it something just for committed students? What did it say?

I thought D had made a decision for MHC, and just wasn’t saying it out loud.

This morning though, it seems she is still torn! CWRU vs Mount Holyoke - I was sure she was picking MHC. I still think she will, but am alot less sure. Getting off the WL at Case was a huge thing, I know she wants to embrace it. But truly fell in love with MHC, too.

So stressful. Today she has a practice test for one of her AP’s (the real tests start next week; she has 7 of them between May 1 and May 12th). But she said she’ll decide on the college and we can make the deposit on Saturday.

Also working to send out graduation annoucements. We got them printed 2 months ago, she just hasn’t got around to it. The people actually COMING all know the dates, of course, but just one more thing she is trying to do. Though I think that one will be a simple, mindless distraction, just addressing envelopes tomorrow afternoon!

I so feel for her and the stress of it all.

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Sorry should have clarified. I was waitlisted and I got an email like this today

I will get in touch with you on Tuesday, May 2 to give you an update about your waitlist status and to ask for an indication of your interest in Case Western Reserve University. Please keep an eye on your inbox.


good luck!

D got off the WL late last Monday night (around midnight PST). An email was generated to let her know she had an update in her portal. A few hours later (around 6 am PST - it was waiting for her when she woke up) she got a text in follow up to the email, mentioning they noticed she hadn’t yet logged in to review the update.

They are VERY proactive in communications! Definitely something she appreciates, but also somewhat overwhelming.


We received the same email today

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We are in the same boat! D23 is a STEM/theatre kid and is torn between CWRU and Northeastern. She was admitted EA to both (better aid at CWRU but more AP credit at Northeastern) but due to theatre conflicts we had to wait until Northeastern’s last admitted student event - although she did tour last summer). She was WL at Wellesley and declined the WL after the CRWU admitted student event since she was so happy with her “path” at CRWU but then Northeastern did an amazing job at assuaging any concerns she had that it eeked ahead by a razor thin margin. Thought she had a decision - even wore a sweatshirt to school Wednesday - but she got teary-eyed thinking about actually withdrawing from the other and she’s back to making lists today. She’s usually super decisive so this uncertainty is new for her. Like your daughter I think we should have a final decision Saturday but who knows (she also starts AP exams Monday and has 4 next week).


Ok it’s a little confusing. One of our tour guides at NU implied they accepted hers and she only had to take a few classes for a minor but maybe they judged it more on her testing very high?

such a wild ride.

The $$ part aside it feels like a tossup.

CWRU being better on the $$, instead of making it easier, seems to be just making it more complicated. Because it truly is about choosing two VERY DIFFERENT paths.

I would think a “Smith vs MHC” wouldn’t “matter” as much, you know? But MHC vs CWRU is definitely consequential!



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Hopefully, it’s not to tell us that all of the spots are full

right-exactly :frowning:

FWIW, I think there will definitely be spots available. Just annecdotaly, Case was the top choice for D - but now might not be. And assuming she DOES choose Case, IF she is offered a spot off the WL for Wesleyan after May 1st she may end up taking it
and freeing up a spot at Case.

This year has been kind of crazy, with lots of movement on waitlists already; I expect after May 1st it will only get crazier!


yep i got it. praying i get the acceptance on the 2nd :pray:

Apparently a lot of people got the email. Don’t know what that forebodes

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i think everyone got the same email right?

Yeah I think so. But the line about an update to your waitlist status line is a bit weird to send it to everyone unless they plan on closing the waitlist or something if the sort

Well, after all the work to get off the waitlist
.D ended up choosing Mount Holyoke.

It would have been case if she been accepted EA, or even RD - she wouldn’t have really considered Mount Holyoke. But once she was waitlisted, she had to look at other options, and it turns out what was originally just a safety for her is the best fit (though Case would have also been a great fit, too).

Best of luck to all on the WL still. She just withdrew her application, so that should open up space for someone else!


I think if they planned to close the waitlist they would just do it, not give advance notice. My guess is that they will probably reach out to few(?) to see if they are still interested. Again this is pure speculation on my part I guess we will find out on May 2nd.

any updates for anyone?

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Got an email this morning asking to update interest and they said they’ll be going to waitlist later this week. Also mentioned Something about Spring Admit and/or MAdrid semester