Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

This is how it started…But even though a small sample size, the majority of people report that they can log into canvas…However, Case does not admit the majority of applicants. While canvas could be a possible indication, I’m still thinking we’re dealing with simple IT snaffus here. I guess we will all know tonight. Good luck to all !


I’m not comfortable saying this is 100% the case. I can still get into Canvas, but the Date Created date on there is the date her application was complete. It matches up when her GC must have sent the items on the checklist that pertain to her.

Couple that with the fact that only 2 people cannot get into Canvas. I guess I don’t believe that all of us that can get into Canvas are accepted when CWRU has an acceptance rate of 29%!

So for those of you who cannot log into CWRU Canvas, are you sure you are using the most up to date pass phrase? Could there just be some glitch? There has to be a % of students who are accepted but then have a glitch and need to call admissions.

I am glad I can get into Canvas, but I am not 100% sold on the idea that it means a definite acceptance. Perhaps when we post the decisions and stats tonight, we can post whether or not we could get into Canvas.

Best of luck to all those students out there!! If not CWRU, then onward and upward somewhere else. Sometimes getting denied makes things clearer, faster for other schools where there are acceptances!


One thing to note about the Canvas is that I seemingly have two emails associated with it.
The same one set as my login (
and a different one. (
Wondering if others only have the first one or both. It can be found in the canvas under Account, then Notifications.
Good luck everyone!

S22 changed his passphrase recently. Let’s hope that has something to do with why he can’t access Canvas.

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A quick google search brings you back to the very website we are on showing the question about access to canvas being an indicator of admission has been discussed for years and proven to be false. So instead of searching for things that may be signs of admissions and making kids think because they can’t do something they aren’t admitted why not spend the day being positive for everyone who had the stats to even apply to Case. There is enough worry for 17 and 18 year olds trying to decide their futures without adults in a forum looking for Easter eggs


My D22 has both emails as well. I also saw them under Settings too.

Thanks for that screen shot @keh658 . Sorry if I’m irritating you, as I am a parent. I’ve been on CC for awhile (2015 ish), and at this time in the process each year, there are these kinds of conversations. I like gleaning this kind of info. on CC. I mean no malice, and I also am not sold on this being the proof of admittance, as I’ve posted. Your screen shot supports that it is not the golden ticket.


I am able to get into the canvas with a different link but not the original one:

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I was able to get my “free” McDs Egg McMuffin this morning. The coffee was surprisingly good today as well.


That’s absolutely a good sign! Enjoy

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If it means anything (which I doubt) I have been able to login to the original one for awhile. By accident I logged in to Canvas after sending in my application. Like above I have two email accounts listed plus me email I used for application. I am still able
to login. I am also now able to login to the link you posted and only one email is listed with a star next to the one email listed (there is no star next to any email in the original canvas account).

Ditto. This link worked to access Canvas but the other one did not.

I can get into both Canvases, with the same email conventions as others (one has 2 emails, the other has an email with a star)

Ah, checking in after work meetings. Kid refuses to login, says will wait till evening. Oh, well.

First time parent, so can’t comment on the tea leaves, but reading the threads, what I could decipher…1)Canvas accounts are automatically created for everyone, along with email accounts 2) Some people are able to login to canvas using SSO. Some are not (the second link does not use SSO, uses the same credentials but different authentication mechanism–makes sense that you can login since the canvas account seems to exist) 3) A large majority seems to be able to access canvas with SSO. Only a handful are unable to. 4) Per another thread - Last year RD, Canvas was active for those on deferral / waitlist as well, so the conclusion access==accept does not seem to be valid. 5) There was only one post that had a no access that I could find an outcome, it was a reject, but too few data points to conclude no access == reject.

I know this is stressing us a lot, but hopefully this will help the next year students/parents.


BTW, the reject I found was the account posted in the thread above “nocah213”, as I looked up their subsequent posts. But like I said, that’s only one data point.

Hello. Can any of you please explain to me when or HOW can I know if i got accepted or not.

it is hard for me to follow up with all of your reploes

What do i do? What link do I access? shouldnt I be notified via the portal? at what time do the notifications come

what do you mean rejected? did you get rejected to CWRU? if yes, how did you know?

Wait until 8PM EST tonight for the official email and login to your portal for the decision. This thread is all speculations…


Hi, have any of your children applied for PPSP program at Case?

Good luck to all the EA applicants waiting for a decision today ! - this was us last year and Case was worth the wait ! And yes we had similarly convinced ourselves of the 7 signs of acceptance :upside_down_face: