Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

They did raise it that much this year. Copies of financial aid docs on the parents group on FB. Wild!

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COVID associated inflation?

how many students applied EA to Case Western this year? And if anyone knows, how many were admitted?

1.Some students use bikes or scooters.
2.Some invite only classes have the size of 50 plus/minus.

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If only someone put together a bunch of sticky posts answering these very questionsā€¦oh yeah, they did :-). Look at the pinned posts at the top of the CWRU subforum.


Not directly Case related but my husband was a CS major in college at a smaller private university in Ohio. His career is grown immensely and Iā€™m very proud of what heā€™s accomplished and how his income has increased. Thereā€™s definitely opportunities at other universities that might not be as prestigious as Case but you can graduate and be just as successful. Iā€™m sure if Case doesnā€™t work out heā€™ll find his fit.

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I was rejected as an ED applicant from Case even though my stats met their standards. Does anyone know if Case appeals decisions?? Iā€™m still upset about the rejection and was hoping there was some way to be considered for the regular decision round. I did not realize how competitive ED was.

You can always talk to admissions or ask your GC to call to glean info. I do not think they would reconsider. Itā€™s very competitive. Iā€™m sorry you were denied. I really am. My other kids have had rejections and we feel them for our kid as a family in a way.

My D22 was deferred and the way they are encouraging ED2 makes me think itā€™ll be very very tough to get in RD from a deferral. Iā€™m actually going to really objectively prepare for waitlist or denial for her come March. How many spots in a small freshman class will still be available after ED, EA, and ED2??


CWRU has an acceptance rate of 56% for ED and 30% overall. And their yield is only 15%. For an incoming class of 1300, they need to admit 8000 students so plenty left for RD.


I believe ED acceptance rate last year was more like 33% from a post by @bopper from the Common Data Set. Also in that post was data on waitlists. I only remember 1 year having a hefty acceptance from the WL

My daughter is deferred from CW. Do you know what percentage of the applicants are deferred in previous years? Any idea what are the chances of acceptance through RD? Thanks!

No idea on statistics but my daughter was deferred EA and not only admitted RD but given a large scholarship. I think that is not uncommon!


Letā€™s hope so!

@bopper did post a bunch of stats in another thread a bit ago. If I find them, Iā€™ll let you know.


Thank you for the reply! Thatā€™s a relief to hear!

Thank you!

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Imagine you are a collegeā€¦you have 1200 freshman slots. If you have 1000 4.0 GPA, 1550 SAT students all apply for Biomedical Engineering, you canā€™t accept them all even though your stats meet their standards. You have to make a freshman class that is diverseā€¦both in major, gender, geography, ethnicity, Extracurriculars, etc. So unfortunately you canā€™t admit everyone.


@winky Last year they had ED, ED2, EA, RD and still took some people off the waitlist.


Sorry Iā€™m the naysayer of the thread. I really do hope for the best outcome. I have been through this CWRU situation previously with D18 and I am still suffering from the after-effects!

What do you mean?

My D18 applied EA. She had officially visited campus 2x for events (presentation/tour and an open house) and did the optional interview on campus separately from the 2 official visits (2 hr. drive there). 1500 SAT, 5.0 gpa, NM Commended. Was deferred. Then she did several of the optional scholarships offered just in case she was accepted RD and to show more interest. Then she was sent an email the night before RD acceptances went out. It said something like ā€œWeā€™d love to see you on campus at an Accepted Students event.ā€ We thought it was a ā€œlikely letter.ā€ We registered for one. The next day, she was waitlisted. Her GC called CWRU to find out what happened. She was told that email was a glitch and everyone who received it also received a follow up email saying it was a mistake. Upon checking, the admissions woman confirmed my D18 never got the follow up email. My D18 continued to hang in there for an acceptance, and 1 finally came, but it was not for the fall of 2018. It was to be ā€œone of the firstā€ in the next class and she was to start in Fall 2019. In addition, during her gap year, she was not permitted to go to school somewhere else. She had to start as a true freshman. They gave acceptable activities (work, travel, service) that were acceptable to them. She was not offered a spring admission, and I donā€™t think CWRU offered spring admission to anyone that cycle. Turns out, in that particular year, CWRUā€™s yield was very high, and they took 0 students from the waitlist.

This hurt my daughter and the detail is still with me. What a struggle!

Fortunately, she found her place at her school where she will be graduating from in the spring :slight_smile: She was accepted there with merit money, their honors college, and an auto admit (after being selected to interview) for their PA program. She currently has a 3.85 heading into her final semester. She is a neuroscience major at Pitt with minors in chemistry and criminology and a certificate in Foundations of Medicine. She has done research on transgender youth since 2nd semester freshman year, and will be published. She presented her findings at a national LGBTQ symposium as a junior. I am very proud of her.

I guess having been through this grueling situation, I really know and appreciate how competitive CWRU is. It is a fantastic school for the right students.