Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I am thankful for this forum to learn about schools on my list. Thank you for sharing this.


You are welcome

Pitt is a great school and my D has been accepted. She was a Case EA deferral and still very interested but she knows she will be happy at Pitt.

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This is what happened to my D18 too :slight_smile: :grinning: Good luck to her!

no problem @winky1
 my role is to be the yea-sayer
 Case said that year that there were very many students like your DD that they very much wanted and felt deserved a slot
so they offered admission the next year. Obviously only your DD can decide if waiting is worth it.

Another factor for Case is that they offer (require) every freshman housing so they generally use the waitlist to make sure everyone gets a dorm.

I understand. One thing I have always wondered is how much our demonstrated need affected her situation. Thanks @bopper for all the good info.

My daughter got into case western. 4.28 gpa, 1520 SAT, summer research, published article, sustainability internship, petition, varsity sports captain, leadership positions, other extra curriculars and school clubs.


Sounds like she’s a rock star! Congrats

here’s the 2026 discord server: CWRU 2026


accepted w/26k merit xx!!


test optional, strong ecs and leadership, 3.8 uw (public hs), good recs, great essay, 11 aps, job since sophmore year


I suspect that schools known for merit that offer EA defer a lot of good candidates. They can’t offer admission with lots of merit to every excellent applicant because they run the risk that more will enroll than they have budgeted/planned. And if they offer admission to top applicants without merit - because the merit is what attracted many to this school - they’ll likely lose them.

Waiting for admitted EA kids who have been accepted ED1 and ED2 to other schools to take themselves out of the running reduces that risk as does being able to see the rest of the RD pool. My guess is that some of you who were deferred to RD still have a shot at an acceptance with merit. In fact, I wouldn’t be totally surprised if some of you stay in the running right through the WL process. (Last year, Denison WL offers actually said how much merit would be given if the applicant were offered admission. This made it much easier for kids to decide if they wanted to stay on the WL. Not sure if Case has adopted this practice but it made a ton of sense to me!)

If you were surprised and disappointed with a deferral, remember that nobody “deserves” admission anywhere. It just doesn’t work like that! They are trying to put all the pieces in their puzzle while you are trying to figure out which puzzle you want to be part of.


Did anyone apply to the HEAL program, or know more about it? You do the BA in Epidemiology OR BS in Environmental Health and then the MS in Epidemiology. You get to skip the GRE and get a reduced tuition for the MS.

I don’t know how they would expect students to be ready to decide for sure that they want to do the MS. I assume that this is simply an offer and some students drop out during their BS/BA if they change their minds and switch their major to something else.

Anyway, the due date to apply has already passed, and we missed it. I am wondering if it is still worthwhile to apply.

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you.

Email from CWRU today once again nudging me towards ED2. At $82K/year after an intentional deferral, no thanks.


What’s an intentional deferral? Is there such a thing as an unintentional deferral?

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Haha. Probably not. It was just funny to say that.

If CWRU would be your top choice with a specific FA package it would seem the door is open for you to ask. Is that a possibility you would consider?

They were in my top 3 since I visited the campus but ED is not an option for me. I will wait for RD.

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Understood but you may have more leverage to get a better FA package now if they really want you. Simply you would be giving more up in terms of options and they would have a quality student committed. In the mean time they may fill their class and not be inclined to be as generous.

Good luck.

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What if it is your top choice but you are full pay and don’t qualify for aid? What are you supposed to email them? So many families that need to see the numbers (merit) before making a decision.