Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

If anyone is planning to attend CWRU admitted student events on campus Feb 20-22 make your hotel reservations now. Like today. Like this minute. Hotels near campus are getting full and that is reflected in the room rates.

We made reservations over the weekend and room rates were more than double the rates we paid during our tour last summer.

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Yeah, I couldn’t find anything close to campus for our family.

Thanks for that helpful information. When you say that the school must send a mid-year report (which would be end of Jan, I agree), is that mentioned in the portal? I agree that makes sense. I could not find it in the portal, but perhaps I am looking in the wrong place.

It isn’t in the portal. The deferral letter says 7Th semester grades which would be a mid year report and transcript. Mine has her first quarter grades sent along but I don’t think that is enough. Website says that ED2 needs a mid year. I know that emory adds the mid year request when they are ready for it so maybe case will do that too. I really don’t know. I know the school here will send if it’s listed. If they don’t list it I guess it would be asking the school to send when they have it.

Okay, thank you very much.

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My Daughter applied for the PPSP program and was accepted a few years ago.

My Daughter applied for the PPSP program and was accepted a few years ago.

Can you share anything about her stats/ECs/Courses taken? How was the process? How were the interviews? We would love as many details as possible to share with others.

Admitted to PSPP in a previous year

4.6 GPA from a private school
6 APs (Calc, Chem, Physics, Biology)
SAT 1570
Lots of volunteering and leadership positions in clubs
Varsity Athlete (state champion and captain)
Shadowing of Medical professionals

It was the first year of Covid, so all in person interviews were cancelled, so she only had a 1 hour zoom interview.


Thanks for sharing. Although “accepted a few years ago” and “first year of covid” was only 2020. :slight_smile:

Feels like a lifetime

So true!

So has anyone received decisions from EDII?
Also, there was some discussion here that the mid-year school report was required prior to EDII decision. If that is the case, then how does it work for ED1? For those who have already been admitted from ED1, was there any specific caveat regarding the mid-year school report? For example, what mid-year (or final) grades must be maintained for the admittance to remain? Thanks in advance.

ED1 never needs a midyear report. EA also tends not too. ED1/EA (all decisions do a school can change their mind) need a final report where the outcome needs to be within what the school expects to be seeing. Midyear report tend to be needed for ED2 and RD decisions because they are out before decisions are made.

To my knowledge Case hasn’t sent any decisions for ED2. My understanding is they start sending when an application is complete but that the two week window from when to hear began with the Jan 8/9 date. So if you were complete by or before then it would be within two weeks of then.

My D22 requested that her GC send her mid year report since she was deferred. I think it’s a requirement if deferred

Yep. But it’s needed for all with later admission dates not just deferred. The high school
Here doesn’t have them yet so mine has sent first quarter grade until the midyear is out end of the month. Meanwhile guidance counselor alerted
that she is leaving the area so mine now has to find out who will be interim. Great timing for sure.

Is Case western Need-aware ? My D mistakenly indicated for need-based scholarship even though we are not qualified. Will this negatively impact her application for the PPSP program ?

They are more yield aware.


Yes, they are need aware, but you don’t have demonstrated need, so maybe just call them.


For example, what mid-year (or final) grades must be maintained for the admittance to remain?

Generally, “No F’s, D’s or Felonies”

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@nkadhi2022 re: need aware Editorial: What need-aware admissions mean for CWRU – The Observer