Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

we have reached out and below if the message we got from admission office "I have closed your application for need-based aid. Undergraduate Admission makes all scholarship decisions based upon the strength of the admission application.


Has anyone attended an accepted students event? Do they still allow sitting in on classes? Is there still the option to stay overnight with a current student?

I thought the first one was in February from what I remember. Not sure since I don’t have an accepted student. The one that I saw that could have been registered for was one day not two. I remember when I did mine years ago it was listed as two days.

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hi! My son did not do an accepted student event but went on a swim team recruiting “overnight”. He was allowed to sit in class but was not allowed to stay overnight. The next day he was able to go back to a swim practice in the morning. Not sure how it will be for the accepted student day BUT I imagine it will be a similar set-up.
It was a great experience and so glad they are planning accepted student 2 day events!

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I will tell you from experience and talking to admissions that Case offers merit no matter how you are admitted
ED, EA, RD, Waitlist. If a college was known not to give merit for RD, then nobody but full pay would apply for RD.


This comment was was part of a larger response to a student who was being urged to switch their application to ED but was reluctant to do so without knowing FA. My suggestion was to contact admissions and have a direct and honest discussion if CWRU was as indicated a top choice.

Do you disagree with that approach?

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My D22 was deferred EA and just got into CWRU with a scholarship.


Do you mean he was deferred just a few weeks ago and now accepted? That’s great to hear and congrats!

Did she switch to ED2?

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j got rejected from PPSP, no surprise ngl i was expecting to get rejected but tried anyways
now we await RD
if any of the 70 of u that got in r in here, congrats to u guys n phenomenal job

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Yes. She was deferred from the EA pool in December. Was EA because hasn’t been able to see campus. I immediately flew her there and she said that she wanted to do the ED2. They sent the outcome today with the yes and the scholarship. Because it’s ED2 they didn’t alert that a decision was coming today they just released it at the same time as the PPSP decisions (she isn’t that) she is engineering and theatre. So it was a very welcome surprise. And does mean that yes you can be deferred, get in and get money.


Yes. She choose to switch to ED2. Finally got to see the campus and decide it was really what she wanted.

Congratulations :clap: But switching to ED 2 after deferral is totally different than being deferred and getting in now with merit!


My DD just got the acceptance and a finalist in PPSP. Any idea how to schdule the interview?
it says - “Additional information and instructions for scheduling your PPSP interview can be found in your applicant status portal at [](”
But we dont see any such information


Yes. I forgot to finish typing.

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Congrats. Click around. Mine isn’t PPSP but as I was clicking around I was finding the other things she needed.

other things like what?


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Financial aid information. How to sign up for an admitted visit. Pay deposit etc

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yes thanks