Catholic requirements

<p>My senior daughter was very interested in Notre Dame until she read that it is a requirement for all students to attend catholic mass/service 2 times a week and a third time on sunday. Is that true? She is a presbyterian, like the rest of the family, and would rather attend a presbyterian service on sunday. She doesn't want to be coerced into attending during the week either. Will it be a problem as a student? Any opinions?</p>

<p>Where did your daughter read of such a requirement? </p>

<p>My d is a sophomore. She does attend mass frequently but it is her choice. BUT, there are no requirements for attending mass. No one is coerced into attending any type of religious services, regardless of the denomination. I'm sorry she received such wrong info.</p>

<p>there are no requirements because although notre dame is a catholic university there are students of other faiths and no faiths there. in fact, rather than forcing or "coercing" students into attending mass, the campus ministry department will find her presbyterian services in south bend or nearby towns and will provide her transportation there.</p>

<p>Can tell you without any reservation that there are NO requirements for attending mass. My son misses mass (but interestingly finds himself at the grotto on Sunday evenings - what a great place).</p>

<p>Thank you all for the clarification. I think she read this info online, and may have assumed that the offering of mass/service meant that it was a requirement. Now we're on to the application process. Thanks again.</p>

<p>i think that if nd enforced religious habits, i would think less of it, although they are my own, i firmly believe that ideals and morals shouldnt be forced on anyone</p>

<p>yes, they should not be forced on anyone. BUT that said, ND is a Catholic institution and has a responsibility to encourage religous observation, though not force it on students. Im applying for admission in Fall 2006, and from all of the people ive spoken to, ND seems to encourage religious observance for its students no matter what religion they profess.</p>

<p>hey red06 same here i know we'll both get in next year lets hang out!</p>

<p>lol lets. definitely.</p>