CBH Live - Computer Based Honors Program Presentations

<p>Copying info I received today - apologies if this is a duplicate post by anyone else - this would be a great way for prospective students to see what this program is all about. </p>

<p>CBH Live is a live, interactive broadcast of research projects conducted by students in the Computer-Based Honors Program. Students will discuss the goals, outcomes and societal impact of the research they have conducted during the fall 2014 semester.</p>

<p>Presentations will be broadcast the following times:</p>

<p>December 4 | 2:30pm-8:45pm</p>

<p>December 5 | 8:00am-7:00pm</p>

<p>For more information on the Computer-Based-Honors Program and a complete list of presentations please visit <a href=“http://live.cbhp.ua.edu”>http://live.cbhp.ua.edu</a></p>