Computer Based Honors Program

Hello all! Just a quick note to thank everyone here who has been so very helpful with our family’s college decision journey. In the end, my D was horribly torn and had a very difficult decision to make. She absolutely adored the CBH program and was elated after the candidate’s weekend. UA moved up into the solid number 2 spot for her but after a visit to the University of Florida and Georgia Tech, she realized programs there would be better for her ultimate goals and she made the decision to decline her CBH and UA acceptance. I cannot emphasize enough how very impressed we were with all the upperclassmen and of course with Mrs. Batson and Dr, Sharpe. Thank you all again for your valuable insight into this awesome program!

Good luck to your daughter. Roll Tide!

Best of Luck to your daughter!!
Roll Tide!

@Saismom - my son turned down the CBHP as well (he may have run into your daughter at the GATech overnite?) and wrote a very nice email to Mrs. Batson explaining his decision - she is such a class act and really represents UA well. Ultimately, ds decided he wanted to go to our instate flagship who offered him a merit scholarship and honors program as well. I hope some lucky UA student finds them self off the reserve list soon! Best wishes to all!

Just a reminder to those on the CBH Reserve List, keep in touch with Mrs. Batson and Dr. Sharpe reiterating your continued interest in the program.

Best of luck to your daughter, @saismom! Same to your son, @need2learn!

Yes my D wrote to Mrs. Batson as well. Wish I could transport CBH to whichever school my D chooses. Still waiting…